Women's Issues

Irregular bleeding

Q: If a woman got her haidh on the 10th of Feb and it ended on the 15th but it was not how she usually experiences her haidh. On the 12th day of her tuhur (28 of Feb), she began bleeding like her normal haidh. Which one will be considered as her haidh and what should she do?

Women wearing gloves

Q: Should I cover my hands with gloves? I am not comfortable with it because my palm get hot and sweaty which makes me irritated. I also dont have any intention of revealing my palm to non maharams intentionally. I try to cover half of my palm as my burkha got a pretty long sleeve to cover half of my palm.

Coloured discharge after haidh

Q: I have a few questions regarding figuring out the end of my period. For the last 10 years, I had been relying on the opinion that once there has been clear discharge/dryness towards the end of one's menses, whatever comes after that in terms of colored discharge should be ignored. I determined my habit according to this rule (when I say dryness once, I considered it the end of my period and ignored what came after). Recently, I have been told that the colored discharge after menses is also considered menses (up to the 10 day mark) and one must make ghusl accordingly, multiple times when necessary. Is this the correct opinion?

If so, must I re-determine my habit according to this opinion or do I stick with my previous habit?

Lastly, since according to the first opinion, whatever comes after dryness is to be ignored, for the last 10 years I have been doing ghusl only once usually, and not repeating it following colored discharge afterwards. Do I have to make up all the prayers I did in this state for the last 10 years?

Female going to a male doctor


والطبيب إنما يجوز له ذلك إذا لم يوجد امرأة طبيبة فلو وجدت فلا يجوز له أن ينظر لأن نظر الجنس إلى الجنس أخف وينبغي للطبيب أن يعلم امرأة إن أمكن وإن لم يكن ستر كل عضو منها سوى موضع الوجع ثم ينظر ويغض ببصره عن غير ذلك الموضع إن استطاع لأن ما ثبت للضرورة يتقدر بقدرها (البحر الرائق 8/352) 

Is it correct to say that it is established from the above text that it is not permissible for a male doctor to look at a female patients awrah if a female doctor is available? 

Interaction between males and females in a maktab

Q: In an Islamic after-school madrasah, boys and girls come to learn how to read the Quran and other essentials of Deen. Male teachers are appointed to teach the boys and female teachers for the girls. However, there is some interaction between males and females and I would like to know the Islamic ruling about that.

1. Is it allowed for male teachers to teach female students who are in their teens or for male teachers to take exams for such students? And can female teachers teach boys who are in their teens?

2. Is it permissible for a male teacher to teach the female teachers tajwid and in particular look at their face uncovered to see if they are reading the letters properly?

3. Is it permissible for male teachers and female teachers to sit together in meetings without any barrier in between?

4. Are male teachers and female teachers allowed to socialise with one another outside of the madrasah hours by going to restaurants etc or have friendly chit-chat and joke with one another?

5. Is it permissible for a male and female teacher to be alone with one another in any part of the madrasah building such as an office or madrasah room, or a corridor where they cannot be seen by anyone else? Is it allowed for a male teacher to be alone with a female teacher in a room with a window where they can be seen by others or where there is a cctv camera?

6. Are male teachers allowed to talk to female parents and vice versa? Please kindly provide answers to the questions above in light of the Hanafi fiqh.