Food and Drink

Giving up drugs

Q: I am a practicing Muslim, I don't miss my salaahs or daily Quraan but I just can't seem to shake off the occasional drug habit. I make dua everyday for help. What should I do?

Muslim handling haraam food

Q: A neighbour of mine got a Muslim friend a job in the catering department of her workplace. His job involves ordering food for the canteen. He refuses to deal with pictures or images of non Halaal food but doesn't mind handling it. Is it forbidden to look at non Halaal food?

Helping one's husband quit vaping

Q: My husband recently started smoking vape and has been doing it secretly. I've suspected it a few times and asked him, and he denied it. It started troubling his conscience and he eventually told me about it. I was very disheartened because he never used to do those sort of things and he knows how much I hate it. He said that I must please help him stop the habit.

Can Mufti please advise me on how to go about helping him? He stopped for about 2 months and today I found that he started again. I dont know what to do as I dislike it so much and feel very uncomfortable with it.