
A Muslim who carried out bad deeds will eventually go to Jannah

Q: I want to ask a question with reference to Surah Muminoon, aayat 103.

Do the people whose bad deeds are heavier on the scales will go to hell fire eternally? It is mentioned in the aayat, but according to a hadith, a Muslim who died with the Aqeeda of tawheed will enter paradise eventually in the end.

Please explain this aayat if a Muslim whose bad deeds are heavier in scale will go to hell fire eternally or temporary?

Will women see Allah Ta'ala?

Q: I read that there is a difference of opinion whether women see Allah Ta'ala. Some say that they don't see Him at all and some say that they see him but see Him less than men. Is there any evidence that women may not see Allah Ta'ala at all or see Him less than men?

Why are all scholars in agreement that men see Allah Ta'ala but they disagree if women will see Him. Does that mean that a man who committed many sins but after being in hell was admitted to paradise is better than a woman who did not make major sins, as he gets to see Allah Ta'ala more than her and she may not see Allah Ta'ala at all or see Him less? 

Referring to Allah Ta'ala by saying bhagwaan

Q: One day I said Allah apke pese dilade… bhagwan apke pese dilade…

Although bhagwan is the word that Hindu's use for their God, but I said it just like that and to show Hindus that Muslims are not extremists and for brotherhood and soldiarity with them as banks ran out of money and collapased.

What is the ruling regarding it? Did I do something wrong and is it kufr? My intention was never to say bhagwan means Allah