
Taking precautionary health measures in moderation

Q: Is it a misunderstanding of Islam to refuse to go beyond using pure supplications to Allah in order to overcome a huge problem at hand? Some local imams are prescribing things like taking special baths and drinking certain concoctions in addition to supplications and azkar. These are good and devoted imams. They say that it's okay so long as one is not committing shirk or using something forbidden. But I am not so sure. Moreover, I am someone who naturally believes in and prefers pure supplications, especially Quraanic and Prophetic supplications.

Please I NEED you to confirm the truth on this matter.

Non-Muslims choosing not to accept Islam

Q: Idol worshippers believe just as strong as a Muslim believes and also has prayers answered just as Muslims prayers get answered.

Hope you can help with this question as Allah can easily put and end to idol worship yet he keeps sending souls that get programmed into the faith they are born into and by clear observation the majority stay in that faith as they have strong reasons to do so. If a Hindu came to a Muslim and tells him to become Hindu and worship multiple Gods then the Muslim won't do that and vice versa. And just because the Quran says so is not good enough since anyone can put a book and say worship so and so but most will ignore that person and believe what they have been brought up with.

I'm sure you know what I'm saying and would be grateful if you can explain, but please don't explain with verses from the Quran, I want you to explain independently.