
The Speech of Allah Ta'ala

Q: Can Allah Ta'ala speak like us? Does Allah Ta'ala have hands, eyes, face, etc. like us? I have read many times in the Quraan that Allah Ta'ala spoke to Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) and with Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) in Miraaj. Kindly clear these questions.

Saying "Where is your Allah and only science can save the people from any disease?"

Q: I request clarification related to some words as to whether, Allah forgive, these are kufr. 

1. Saying in any gathering or discussion that " Nauzubillah some people / they (not specifically referred) are saying / believing that where is your Allah and that only science can save the people from any disease / corona virus etc; however our belief is that without almighty Allah nothing can save us". Does words expressed in start leads to kufr for one who quote these words in any discussion or gathering?

2. We sometimes feel that we are so much guilty and have done lots of sin and in fear we say words that " Don't know whether Allah will forgive me or not" though our belief is that Allah is most Merciful and Forgiving. Allah forgive, are these words kufr?

3. We sometimes feel that we have done lot of mistakes and wrong decisions in past though whatever happens is always in our betterment and already written in Taqdeer but we still feel lot of regret, sadness and hopeless and sometimes in that state of sadness and hopelessness someone says words like that" Its all due to his mistakes and wrong decisions related to job choice or other matters consequently he is regretting then then why should he say these mistakes / wrong decisions were due to Naseeb / from Allah". Allah forgive is saying these words Kufur? Nauzubillah intention was not to deny taqdeer.

I am very worried and confused and beg forgiveness and guidance from Almighty Allah. Can you please give some clarification in respects of above said words and other explanation related to kufr and Tajdeed Iman and Tajdeed Nikah?

Referring to a qualified Aalim whom one has confidence in


1. How can a layman get true knowledge regarding spending his life as per Sunnah where one may not know the meanings or the concept of saheeh or zaeef ahadeedh

2. Where and how can he differentiate between 2 or more saheeh ahadeeth which are contradicting each other

3. How could he know about the nasikh and mansookh ahadeeth?

4. How could a salaried person approach muftis regularly out of his busy schedule?