
Two shareholders putting in extra money to bring down the share price in a cow

Q: A family wishes to slaughter a cow for qurbaani. However, some of the members are on a budget. In order to please the parents, can 2 shareholders put in extra to bring down the share price of the others, making it affordable? (e.g. The purchase price of the animal with which the parents are happy is R28 000. 2 shareholders will pay R5000 each and the rest will pay R3600.) Only the 2 shareholders paying more is aware of the extra and keeping it a secret from the others not to offend them and also to keep them happy.

Nafl qurbaani for Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and other family members in one animal

Q: Although multiple intentions are permissible for nafl qurbaani, is it munaasib (appropriate) to perform a nafl qurbaani with the intention for Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and other deceased family members in one animal? (i.e. 1 sheep for Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and ones deceased parents/grandparents, etc.)

Qurbaani for an unmarried girl

Q: I am a 25 year old unmarried woman (will get married in a few months). My parents passed away a few years ago and I don't have any other siblings. I live with a relative in very good condition. I am presently working with a medium level salary and I have a little inherited gold and a savings as well.

Please tell me if Qurbani is fardh on me? Some people say it's not because I'm an unmarried orphan, some say it is because I'm independent and earning myself.