Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Following the Jamaat Salaah of the Haram from the Hotel Jamaat Khaana

Q: Nowadays, some people are performing salaah in the hotel near the Musjid al Haraam while following the jamaat of Musjid al Haraam. The hotel has speakers installed and the recitation of the Imaam of Musjid al Haraam can easily be heard. However, since the Imaam is not present infront of the muqtadis, I am doubting whether the salaah is valid or not. Is it permissible for people to follow the Imaam in salaah while in their hotel rooms? Similarly, is it permissible to follow the Imaam in the hotel jamaat khaana? 

Remaining silent behind the Imaam

Q: I have a question regarding joining the jamaat for salah late. What is the ruling regarding the situation if I join the jamaat while it was in qiyam. And soon after my joing the jamaat (after 2-3 secs) the Imam goes into ruku. I didn't get enough time to recite surah fatiha. Will I get that rakat as I couldn't recite the Fatiha or I need to repeat it by myself after tasleem of Imam?

Informing the congregation to repeat a salaah

Q: One day I was leading three people in asr prayer. In my second last rakaat I felt like something was coming from my private part. I continued with the prayer. After I finished I went to the toilet and I found it was mazi. I came back after I purified myself and I did my ablution but the people we prayed together were gone. I performed the prayer alone again. So what can I do about them?