Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat

Second jamaat


1. There is a masjid inside a university where many Muslim students live, but it often does not have any jamaat on Sundays, though Friday prayer is held there. An imam is appointed for the masjid, but he often does not come for fajr, isha and prayers on weekends (maybe because he lives far from the university). Is it correct to start a 2nd jamaat after the imam has already led the 1st jamaat in Salaah?

2. Is it correct to offer Friday prayer in this mosque?

3. I led a 2nd jamaat in this masjid, but after I started, I heard someone else leading another jamaat in the corner of the masjid. I did not know this before I started. Will I and my muqtadi's have to repeat the Salaah?

Correcting the imaam

Q: What is the condition of the salaah if the imam makes the following mistakes

1. In takbeer the kaaf is read with a kasra

2. In fatiha, the laam of Alhamdu is read with a fatha

3. In Tasmee the meem of samia is pulled a little

4. In the last Ayah of surah nasr, the word rabb is omitted thus reading: bihamdika

Imaam informing the congregation that the salaah has to be repeated

Q: One day I was leading three people in zuhr prayer. In my second last rakaat I felt like something was coming out from my private part. I still continued with the prayer. After I finished I went to the toilet and I found it was mazi. I came back after I washed myself and made wudhu but the people we prayed together with were gone. I don't know where to find them because it was a market where we prayed. I don't know them at all. I then observed the prayer alone again. So what should I do about them?