Published 13 years ago
Last updated 5 years ago
Q: A person owns many acres of land which is his only source of income. However, if he sells some portion of the land or all of it then he will have sufficient wealth to perform Hajj. Is Hajj compulsory upon him?
A: If he is able to sell that amount of land which will suffice for his Hajj expenses and retain sufficient land for his livelihood then Hajj will be fardh upon him.
قال الامام قاضي خان رحمه الله: و ان كان صاحب ضيعة ان كان له من الضياع ما لو باع مقدار ما يكفي لزاده و راحلته ذاهبا و جائيا و نفقة عياله و اولاده و يبقى له من الضيعة قدر ما يعيش بغلة الباقي يفترض عليه الحج و الا فلا (خانية على هامش الهندية 1/282)
(أحسن الفتاوى 4/542)
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