Q: A person has a cat. He and his family love the cat. But the person’s father does not like him to keep the cat and he says to the person that he should not keep the cat. But the person and his family are so attached to the cat. They do not want to give the cat to anyone. The thought of staying without the cat makes them cry. So can the person keep the cat? If the person does not listen to his father’s advice because listening to his father’s this advice will emotionally hurt his family a lot, then is he sinning?
A: It is better for the child to listen to the father. In some situations, not listening to the father will amount to a sin. For example, he is not in a position of taking good care of it or he is not paying attention to the more important things in life etc.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
Q: I wanted to tell you that the person who has the cat, takes a very good care of the cat and he also pays attention to other important things in his life. Moreover the cat is not harming the person’s father in any way as the father does not live in his son’s house. The father does not want the person to keep the cat because he does not like cats and thinks that they are dirty and filthy. But it is said in a hadith that cats are pure and they mingle with us. Also the cat always stays in the home and never wanders outside. So if the person does not listen to his father’s advice and keeps the cat, will he be sinning? The person and his family love the cat very much.
A: He should obey his father. He should not ever displease him.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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