Rights of servants

Assisting one's drug addict father in fulfilling all his halaal needs

Q: My children's father is addicted to drugs. 

I do not feel comfortable with them spending time in his company & I'm advising them to help him with food only if he gets sick as I feel they are enabling his habit. He manipulates them to feel sympathy for him & uses them for money, transport, food etc. Am I incorrect for doing this?

Responsibility of taking care of a baaligh boy who is mentally challenged

Q: Who is responsible from both parents to assist a baligh boy who is mentally challenged, to assist him in shaving, scrubbing and bathing. He is 24, but looks like a 14 year old. His hands cannot reach out to even wash himself in the toilet, hasn't got flexible fingers to use properly. 

The mother does everything as the father shows very little or no interest. Please advise. 

She doesn't mind taking care of her son, but also wants the father to share in the reward Allah will grant, in sha Allah. 

Serving one's parents while listening to their hurtful comments

Q: I left my home due to toxic and unjust family matters that were affecting me and my wife emotionally and mentally. I rented a home not too near not too far from my parents, and everyday I go to my parents house to do any work they want, as my father is a paralysis patient. Everyday I give him a massage and bath him and simultaneously listen to hurtful comments and smile and not reply so the atmosphere don't get more tense. Am I doing right or wrong and will any curse of my parents for me to Allah affect me?

Woman working due to living with an abusive mother

Q: I live with my mother who is mentally and physically abusive to me and my siblings. Last year, she broke my nose, she has called me ugly and stupid and worthless my whole life. She pushes me to do things that are detrimental to my mental health - like marrying someone 11 years older or getting into med school. 

I want to leave my household and make a life for myself so that I don’t constantly feel suicidal and can do some good in this world. But in order to leave, I must apply to programs that I do not have the qualifications for - there is a program that requires me to have one year work experience and I only have 6 months. 

Even though I do not want to lie, I was wondering if it might be permissible for me to do so in this situation just to help my chances of getting out my house?

Responsibility of taking care of a woman

Q: A man was taking care of his sisters (due to both parents passing away years back). He has now passed away, amongst his descendants there are 6 kids and a wife, of which only 1 baligh son aged 17.

The sister has 4 paternal uncles (papa's) and 3 maternal uncles (mamajees) and a sister. She is not fully mentally okay and needs someone to oversee her daily living.

Husband preventing wife from taking care of her old mother

Q: What should I do when my mother is old and she has no one to look after her. My husband does not want me to take care my mother. I am the only child. My father passed away.

I told my husband that she does not have anyone to go to but he ruined her visa application so she cannot stay with me. I am sad to see her in pain but I don't know what to do? If I take her side then my husband blames baseless things in her.

What do I do in such a situation? He's not supporting me in this. He's also not a religious man and he does not pray at all. He does not follow Islam. There no family members that can step in and stop him.