Father wanting the son to go to university

Q: I don't know why my father wants me to further my education after using several years in secondary school. I believe that the years spent by me while in secondary school is too much, and I know that in Islam we don't have enough time to waste because death approaches someone suddenly. According to the word of Allah Ta'ala (الموت يأتى بغتتا).

With this, I believe it time for me to face my Lord and seek forgiveness, but my father wants me to go to university and I am not interested. I am confused. Please advise me.

A: With the present setup in all universities it is quite difficult for a person to take care of his imaan and his deen. And to protect your imaan is not an optional thing, rather it is compulsory. So in something of an obligatory nature you have to obey Allah, and the commands of Allah are not negotiable no matter who says it.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)