
Good actions of a woman who travels without a mahram being affected

Q: There is a hadith about women travelling, Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, 

"It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the last day to make a journey of one day and night unless she is accompanied by a mahram (husband or male relative whom she is prohibited to marry)." (Al Bukhari and Muslim) 

According to the hadith, if a woman travels alone will her prayers not be accepted?

Permanently residing in one country and travelling to one's home country

Q: I permanently work and reside in Sydney, Australia with family while not owning any property here. My parents live in Lahore, Pakistan in a house under their ownership whereas I own a residential plot in Islamabad, Pakistan. 

I'd like to know if I am travelling and staying at any of the above three locations under 14 days, where should I offer full prayers and where would qasr prayer be required?

Will a person be a musaafir or muqeem when staying in Makkah and Aziziyyah?

Q: Insha Allah I have intention for Hajj. So we leave on the 28th of April from JHB. 

We'll be 10 days in Makkah

Then 12 days in Azzizia

Then 6 days of Hajj 

Then another 6 days in Azzizia. 

So what I want know is where am I musaafir in this whole trip and where am I muqeem? Do I regard Makkah and Azzizia as 1 or what?

Breaking up the journey when intending safr distance

Q: A person travels regularly between PMB and Durban. He has a daughter in Overport where he stays occasionally and he knows that till this point, he is not a musaafir. 

However, when he leaves PMB with the intention of visiting family in Isipingo (safr distance), but only after staying the night at Overport (meaning he will only go Isipingo the next day), will he be a musaafir from the time he leaves PMB? 

If, as above, he intends to visit Isipingo (the next day) and reaches Overport, but then changes his intention and decides not to go (as the family member is not there), will he be a musaafir? 

Similarly, if he leaves with no intention of visiting Isipingo, but only decides to visit Isipingo when he reaches Overport, will he be regarded as a musaafir (since the total distance with Isipingo will be more than safr distance)?