Condition of Itikaaf for one who left the musjid to wash his hands
Q: If a person sitting in sunnah itikaaf leaves the musjid to wash his hands at meal times, will his itikaaf break?
Q: If a person sitting in sunnah itikaaf leaves the musjid to wash his hands at meal times, will his itikaaf break?
Q: Is it permissible for a person sitting in sunnah i’tikaaf to leave the musjid to wash his hands at meal times?
Q: If a person mistakenly steps out of the musjid during his sunnah i'tikaaf, what is the condition of his sunnah i’tikaaf? Will his sunnah i’tikaaf break?
Q: If a woman experiences haidh (menses) whilst sitting in i’tikaaf, what is the condition of her i’tikaaf?
Q: How should a woman carry out i’tikaaf in her home?
Q: Where should a woman sit for i’tikaaf?
Q: At which time can one sit for nafl i’tikaaf?
Q: Is it necessary that waajib i’tikaaf be carried out whilst fasting?
Q: If one made i’tikaaf compulsory upon himself, will it be compulsory to carry it out?
Q: Can one sit for sunnah i’tikaaf out of the month of Ramadhaan?