Girl not ready to get married

Q: I'm 29 years old and I have a cousin that I'm proposing for and I want to marry her but I can't get married to her because she said that she is the one carriying out most of the household activities and she said that untill I build house first. I want to marry her so what must I do now?

Using contraceptives

Q: Is the use of condom permissible for intercourse between husband and wife to prevent pregnancy in order to have enough time for the existing kids instead of having more children for their better training in accordance with Shareyeh?

Difference between mani and mazi

Q: I get a pressing feeling when seeing bad videos (sexual). But when i do press and pull penis from bottom to top to make all madhi out which is inside penis, then madhi will be coming out as big drop, then inside the big drop small white particle would be there or if i take that drop between my fingers and then look through it to a light, then i notice slightly thin and white line or two line inside madhi, where madhi is transparent. And that white thing does not come separately but always along with madhi but very less quantity of white thing. I get that white thing along with madhi when i get pressing feeling.

1. Is that white thing mani or madhi?

2. Is the colour of madhi always transparent?

3. Isn't ghusl fard only if a person experiences full sexual discharge?

Note: Pressing feeling means I get aroused and penis erected. I get feeling like pressing and releasing at bottom of penis. Similar to wet dream time when reaching climax and ejaculation happens. But it is not full sexual discharge as while it happens in wet dreams. Pressing and releasing feeling comes continuously during wet dreams, but while i am awake it comes once and after sometime twice or once, But not continuing consecutively but after some time. In wet dream there is no gap between pressing and releasing feeling it goes on continous till all mani is ejaculated.

Getting the reward of an action if one made waseelah through that action

Q: There is hadith in 'Fazail A'mal' about three persons who got trapped in a cave. In order to escape from that they gave wasila to Allah Ta'ala of one of their good deeds each. Then Allah Ta'ala made way for them to escape.

I want to ask: If a person is in some sort of trouble and if he asks Allah Ta'ala in the above mentioned manner, then the good deed which he gave wasila of, will the "ajar" (reward) of that deed get finished or will he get that deed's "ajar" (reward) in the afterlife also? 


Q: I wanted to enquire if it is permissible for me to use the coil or any other contraceptives. The reason being is that I got married 8 months ago and ever since I have been facing alot of problems at the hands of my mother in law. Problems were increasing day by day which included abuse, emotional harassment and insult. My husband wasn't able to do much either and it all resulted in big arguments with my husband too.

Now its been 2 months since I'm at my parents house and the problems just increased and went to such an extent where my marriage was on the verge of ending. Im trying to makeup with my in-laws with the help of my father in law, however I dont think I can have children after all these issues. I would like to see if my husband has realised his mistakes and actually changed in the long run before I plan to have children. My husband isnt willing to understand this point of mine but I think I cant risk my life or my childs life as if things remain the same I will have to seek khula which I hope doesn't happen.

Thus would it be permissible for me to have the coil inserted or use any other methods of contraceptive without my husband's consent and it being in his knowledge. I hope this isnt classed as me decieving my husband.