Respecting one's parents and overlook their shortcomings

Q: I am a divorcee but I gathered my strength to marry again without asking opinion of my parents but they were there for my marriage and became wakil also but this marriage did not last long. Allah knows best even though I looked for deen in the partner but my main problem is my parents abusing me calling me a person of low character because according to them a divorcee shouldn't marry. I work for my livelihood I go out of the house even though I haven't committed any affairs my parents are accusing me of such things and cursing me. This has upset me they attribute bad things happening in my life that I have committed sins and it is wrath of Allah on me. I don't know how to deal with my parents because Allah has ordered for respecting and being dutiful them I want to ask have parents got the right to abuse and curse their children without any proof accuse of sins.

Son touching the mother

Q: About fifteen to twenty years ago my brother touched my mother at chest near neckline. My mother being a very light sleeper woke up. I got to know about hurmat-e musaharat masala sometime ago. I'm not sure about his age. It may be 13 or below. My mother is absolutely sure that he didn't touch her with lust. But I'm having guman that may be my parents nikaah is broken. I'm very depressed.

Qiraat in salaah


1. Is it compulsory to recite Tasmiyyah before Surah Fatiha in the 2nd, 3rd & 4th rakaats of Salaah.

2. If we mistakenly recite Surah Naas in the first rakaat of Salaah, how do we continue with the rest of Rakaats? Will Sajda-e-Sahw be compulsory?

3. If I mistakenly recite a Surah in the second rakaat which is earlier in order to what was recited in the first rakaat, should an additional latter Surah be recited if it is realised within the rakaat?

Taking a second wife

Q: Is it permissible for me to take another wife?

My wife fell pregnant after 16 years with twins and thereafter a 3rd child. Since then she has been living at her parent's home which is already 2 years now. I understand that in the initial stages it was very difficult but now they have grown up so it is a little easier. I am very depressed at home as I really miss my wife and children around me. I live with my parents, but we have totally seperate quarters.

My wife always made excuses that she cant manage on her own. I am prepared to get a domestic worker to assist her with house chores and my parents are also prepared to help.

My parents dont see their long awaited grandchildren for many many months. I always travel on the weekends to visit my children but I really miss them when I am back home. Its really lonely without a wife and children for so long and heartbreaking to leave them. I also became a father after 16 years but have never seen the milestones of my children and how they grew up. Sometimes I actually cry myself off to sleep thinking about my children. My mother always cries and pines for her grandchildren which she was so excited for. I also admire other women who gave birth and returned home and can make an effort to manage. I always wonder how mums with twins managed on their own? My wife did come home for a week when the children were smaller but claimed the house is too small for 3 kids and she can't manage.

Will it be permissible for me to make a second nikah without informing my wife as I dont know how long more she intends staying at her parents house as I am very lonely and depressed.

Consideration when constructing a Musjid

Q: I am in a society where almost 90% are Muslims. The builder has used full FSI. My neighbor has a garden space which can be used as garden. No construction is possible there legally, but my neighbour constructed only ground floor with tin roof 3 years ago. Last year, he made his mind to build double storey (Ground+1) masjid although we have five masjids in the Radiohead of one kilometre. The masjid never gets filled except on jumma or in Ramzan. So the construction of double storey masjid (Ground+1) was not necessary.

My flat is at 3rd floor, and the Ground + 1 masjid will not pose me any difficulty, so I didn't objected. As the construction was going on they changed their plan and constructed Ground+2 floors. I objected and put an application in the society office to stop the construction due to which my personal privacy is affected and the outside view as well as the chances of robbery will affect us badly as the masjid is (which is not still waqf(not dedicated to the Muslim Ummah)) an inch away from my window. We tried to settle the matter amicably but they didn't act as per settled matter. But they were trying to buy the time. I was compelled by the circumstances to register my complaint with the Municipal Corporation authorities. They came to the site visit and issued stop construction notice, but the owner refused to accept it . They pasted it on the wall and took photographs of the illegal structure. They have replied me that they have no available police protection to demolish the above mentioned masjid. Since last year I'm not pursuing the matter with the authorities in a hope to prevail the good sense to the defaulter to settle the case and to protect our concern.

I request you that the defaulter who was society chairman entrusted to stop any illegal construction activity or anything adverse as per society laws but he compromised with his position and he himself broke the law and as our neighbour he posed us in a very awkward position and played with our privacy.

I request you to suggest us is it legal to break the rule of the land and construct masjid when it's need is not necessary? Can masjid be built which pose lot of hindrance to its neighbour just like me and expose my flat to thief's for robbery without any hardship? Is the defaulter right or are we on the fault to fight for our rights against oppressor? Your valuable decision is awaited. I request you to please give the references and fatwa if any pertaining to whatever decisions you take.