Cleaning the blood and pus after bursting a pimple


1. Is it necessary to wash the area from where a blackhead is removed?

2. I often get pimples on my face and other parts of my body I heard that the pus that comes out of the pimple is impure, does it means that I have to wash the area after it came out or just remove it with the help of tissue paper? If it is necessary to wash then if a pimple burst on my right cheek or forehead, how to wash it (just put some water on that area or to wash my whole face). 

3. Sometime blood also comes after the pus and after it stops a white water like fluid comes out what is ruling about it? Do I have to wash it or just use tissue paper to remove it?

4. Often pimple burst while taking ritual bath (Ghusal) What to do then? Sometimes blood or pus takes a lot of time to stop i.e. it keeps coming out in small amounts, what to do then?

Meaning of Sunnat

Q: I read this somewhere:

By Sunnah is meant that the tradition of Hazrat Ebrahim (alaihis salaam)'s religion which Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instituted among his followers as religion after reviving and reforming it and after making certain additions to it. Is it correct?

Marital problems

Q: I want to ask if it is permissible for husband to talk and chat with his cousins daughter who is around 21 year? They talk several times' daily and he assure me that he cant marry her but still Im worried as i have read his conversations and he asks for her pics and want to talk on phone with her. He also want to open academy and want her to work as a teacher there as she is looking for a job. We live abroad, but i don't like this frequent chatting between them. So i want to know, is this 'friendship' a sin and haraam for my husband? How should I confront him?

Tasbeehs in Salaah

Q: On Tuesday 25/7/17 a certain female gave a talk after the taaleem. (My cousin asked me this question) She mentioned that reading the relevant tasbeehaat during the different postures of salaah 3 x is actually for musaafir (travellers) and not for those not travelling. We should read upto 11 x tasbeehaat in each posture. We are not ulema so can the ulema please enlighten us...because as far as we know even the imams of the masaajid read 3 x. So have we been taught wrong all the years?


Q: Kia ye hadees sahi hai? Hazrat Muhammad salalaho alaihi walihi wasalam ne farmaya: Jo shakhs ghar ke kaamon mai apni biwi ki madad kary ghar ka kaam kary to Allah Ta'ala shohar ko 1 saal ki ibadat ka sawab deta hai. Bahawala: Baharij 13 page 133 wajamalakhbaris page 102

Validity of nikaah

Q: I got married three years ago and have two children now. My stepfather was my wakeel as my father passed away. My brother was a witness and I was present and other family members. Is the marriage valid?

Woman working from home due to constraints

Q: My husband works in his father’s business. His father deals in interest and sells haraam. My husband knows it is haraam but is not interested in getting another job.

Also, my husband has almost hit me. I really want to be financially independent from him. I don’t know where we will be financially in a few years’ time. I do have enough savings to study something and go out and work. Should I do this?

I have considered starting a home business, but I don’t know what kind of home business will succeed and generate income. I don’t know what to sell or where to start from.