Bleeding after nifaas

Q: Regarding postpartum bleeding, after the 40 days when bleeding continues off and on as it does for breastfeeding mothers it is regarded as istihaza, so the days after the blood has stopped will you need to perform ghusl just as you do for normal menstruation? Or only wudhu? And how long will it be regarded as istihaza?

Drinking and selling alcohol


1. If you do good deeds like fasting, salah, etc. but at the same time you have a business which sells alcohol or where you work sells alcohol, would Allah accept your good deeds like fasting, salah, etc?

2. Also, is selling alcohol the same as drinking it?

3. I heard those who drink alcohol in the dunya (world) wouldn't drink wine in Jannah, does that apply to people who don't drink it but sell alcohol?

Settling one's debts

Q: I thought that if you commit shirk, you will not enter Jannah but I also read a hadith that if you have a debt then you will not enter jannah, what happens on day of judgement to someone who never paid his debt?