Clothes worn in the state of janaabat

Q: When a females monthly periods of 7 days are completed every month and after 7 days if she takes a normal bath from head to toe but does not perform ghusl /ritual bath to become paak and wears pure clothes, will those clothes become naapaak? And when she wants to pray later when she purifies herself in these same clothes (which are not purified) can she pray namaaz? I also want to know about: Are the clothes worn after taking a normal bath (i.e. not performing ghusl) after the sexual intercourse if not soiled remain paak for prayers or not?.

Eating from interest money

Q: I'm confused about what is meant when "food bought from riba is haraam". I currently have some money from a loan I took out that has interest on it (I was under a lot of pressure from my family and got yelled at for trying to avoid the loan). I was wondering, does all the food bought from this money automatically become haraam to consume because the loan is haraam? If so, I plan on just leaving the unnecessary leftover money in the bank until I have halal earnings. Because if I empty out my bank account trying to return this money, lol can't even imagine what my family would do to me. But yeah, I feel guilty about this loan but I was practically forced into this when I started getting ridiculed for trying to stay halal. So my other question is, wouldn't the sin fall on the person who pressured me into paying riba rather than me?

Seeing Allah Ta'ala

Q: According to the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), the believers will see their Lord in the lifeafter as they can see the moon. Please can you clarify more on the word “grasp” (tudrikuhu) in the Quranic verse: { No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He is the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well Acquainted with all things.}[6:103].

Does it mean they cannot see Him entirely like for instance when looking at the blue sky we only see part of it? And what is the meaning of the Hadith in which it is described that we will see Allah as we can see the moon.


Q: What is the Islamic stance about a (Muslim) man who has sexual attraction towards men & not towards women? He has tried everything - consultation from authentic scholars spiritual healers & psychotherapists, prayers & invocations, & even marriage, but all in vain. What should he do? What should he believe about himself? Is he a sinner? Will he be sent to hell?

Birthday party

Q: I was an orphan and was brought up by my father's brother. My cousins are planning to give a surprise birthday party calling all his close people like friend's, relatives, etc. I normally don't attend birthday parties but now I'm confused. I don't want to attend the party but at the same time I feel bad because they will feel bad since we were all brought up in the same house like his own children. In recent times our relationship has distanced to some extent, I'm in a dilemma that if I don't attend will our relationship further worsen.