Unable to trace who a payment was received from

Q: I work in the accounts dept of a company. We receive payments into our bank account from customers. Sometimes we receive payments but we cant trace who the money came from. After a few months if no one has come forward to claim the money we give it away in charity. My question is, can I give the money to a fellow employee of the same company who has some loans that they are unable to settle?

Is the answer the same if the employee is owing the loan to the company itself?

Cure for depression

Q: I have a problem regarding my health. I'm seriouly feeling I cannot concentrate on anything. There is something wrong in my heart. I'm just crying all the time. Please pray for me and the solution to my problem of feeling depressed. Everyone is telling me that everything is ok. I find myself stuck to one place. I get lot shiverings and joint pains, doctors are telling me that everything is ok. I don't find any solution to my problem.

Leaving out salaah due to depression

Q: I suffer from depression. Im a religious person and offer prayers five times a day and even tahajjud and read Quran with translation, but when I am depressed, I leave all this, miss prayers, mostly esha, I lose interest in prayers and don't offer most of them. What to do? There is nobody to ask me to offer prayer, what is the cure of this disease?

Marital issues

Q: I need some advice please, I'm Catholic and my husband is a Muslim. We have kids and I'm pregnant again (5months) and I work full time. He is not working but looking for something part time as I'm the bread winner due to my education. He keeps taunting me about how ugly and fat I am and how he wants a younger 2nd wife who is good looking and sorry to say better at sex as I'm a sack of potatoes. He will hold up a picture of a random girl and compare to me and say that's what his future wife will look like. It's so cruel I can't cope anymore.



1. What is the minimum requirement of a sutra (obstacle in front of the namazi) and where should it be placed?

2. Can namaz be offerd in front of a sofa/bed/chair?

3. What if some child comes and mistakenly sits on it while the person is praying behind the chair's back or in front of the bed?

Asking for faskh due to mistrust

Q: Me and my wife are currently separated but not divorced. We have been separated for 6 weeks now. My questions are as follows:

1. How long are we allowed to be separated before our marriage will be null and void?

2. My wife wants a fasagh, however I want to reconcile. The problem was that I borrowed money from a friend and never told my wife and she only found out afterwards that I borrowed money from a female... Is she allowed to be granted a fasagh on the basis of mistrust and lies?

3. If she insists on a fasagh and I dont want to because I still love her and for the sake of our children, can the Alim force her to give me a chance even though her parents don't want her to take me back?

Passport Photos

Q: Referring to http://muftionline.co.za/node/3767

1. you could say in the above the order of تصوير/the إكراه is معلق with a مباح action (Travelling). It is not necessary to do this مباح action. And if you dont do the مباح action there is no إكراه. So when إكراه بالحرام is معلق with a مباح action is it permissible to do that مباح action?

2. Before you start the travelling there is no أمر to take تصوير. So when you take the تصوير there is no إكراه/ command. So if you know there will be إكراه in the future is it permissible to do the impermissible action from before?

Taking out Passport photos

Q:  The Ulama prevent us from having CCTV saying that it is tasweer (photos of animate objects) and tasweer is not permissible in shariat, yet they allow taking out passport photos. After one has completed one’s Fard Hajj there is no need for one to travel, hence travelling is just something permissible. So how can one perpetrate a haraam by taking out passport photos just in order to fulfil a permissible need?