Is it necessary to change clean bed sheets and scarves after haidh?

Q: I have heard that after the haidh is completed, a person may no longer sleep on the same bedsheets, even though the sheets are not messed. The sheets must be changed before making ghusl or if ghusl is taken and the sheets have not been changed, one may not sleep on the bed unless the sheet is removed. Also further this was applied to any scarves or burkas that one may have worn during the haidh for even a short period. Is this correct?

Uncle touching niece with lust

Q: I have a question regarding the validity of my friends nikah. My friends uncle touched my friend with lust when she was almost 10 or 12 years old. Afterwards he didnt do such things with her. At the time of nikah, my freind chose her uncle as the wali or as we say, the wakeel of the nikah from her side. Now she has four children and she is worried if her nikah is valid or not.

Claiming from an investment after a partner passes away

Q: Person A lent person B money years ago as an investment into person B's business. No amount or percentage over and above the capital amount was fixed. Person b has now passed away leaving 8 heirs, some of whom are minors. The estate has not been wound up as yet due to other reasons. What will be the correct Islamic ruling with regards to paying back the additional money. Do we use a fixed percantage per year or use market related percentages to calculate the amount? Will it be permissible to pay back the money as person A expects her capital amount as well as a return on investment even though no amount was agreed upon.

Mani (semen) of females

Q: I am in a big problem. I'm really afraid of wet dreams. Last night I saw a dream. It was not of sexual nature, just a lovable nature but I feel as if I was aroused. When I woke up I felt wetness but it was the same wetness I felt a day before when I was awake (I'm thinking it's regular vaginal discharge). I am unmarried so I don't know what mani looks like. Is ghusl still wajib on me? Please suggest because I have doubts in everything, even in wudu prayer and other things etc etc.

Ill-treatment from in-laws

Q: I got married on 5 feb 2017. From that day my mother and father in law are disrespecting and showing anger to me. I am a working woman. After office I do home chores and when they are sick I take care of them. But still they are not happy and always having small complaints.

On the other hand, my husband loves me alot. He makes me understand but doesnt tell his parents to cool down. We are happy together but I get angry on him sometimes. Kindly guide me as I'm sad and no peace in mind and heart.