
Q: My question is a regarding business.

I have a store and sometimes I get some guys to buy from me goods for their organisation. (I have no idea who they are funded by). They will only bring to me business if I give them commision. So what I do is if I am selling something for 5000, I quote them 5500. After quote is accepted they give me 5500 and from there I will give them 500 as commision. I want to know is this a halal method? If not can you explain to me in detail a halal way so that we can carry on with business in our shariah way and follow the sunnats of our Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam).

Leaving out things that one is unclear of

Q: Some one sends through WhatsApp messages saying chicken (in a Muslim country ) is not halal by forwarding some videos where we can actually see chicken getting processed by a machine. The authorities in the Muslim country are acknowledging that they are seeing it to that the things for the public are halal and not importing the haram chikcen and meat etc. One of my friends stopped eating chicken after seeing the WhatsApp.

My question is whom to believe? Do we have to believe the WhatsApp video or the authorities who are taking responsibility of halal produsts. If we believe WhatsApp then tomorrow other videos will declare meat as haram, please advise.

In-laws entering one's house and taking things

Q: I have been married 6 years and I was living with my in laws as my husband refused to move away, I settled for second best option and that was to build us a place in the yard. Last year we moved into the outbuilding. My husband made a key for his parents because they look after our 5 year old child. His parents and his sister goes in and out of our place and do what they want and take what they want but only when we are in work. Yesterday I had an argument with my husband and they went into our place and took things from the kitchen cupboard and went into the room and went into our cupboards. I told him that I feel they are invading my privacy and taking things without any permission. He then told me that I am ungreatful and selfish and that if I don't like it I am welcome to leave and find myself another place to stay. He gets very angry with me when I mention anything I don't like regarding his family and he will always put me down to defend them. He also told me that I will answer for my selfish ways.

My questions is: Am I wrong to ask his family to respect my privacy and ask permission to go in and take things from our place? And what are the husbands duties towards his wife when it comes to his family?

Keeping the Quraan in a drawer

Q: I have a question on behalf of my mother. She has been told that she cannot leave her Quran in her bedside drawer as it is below the level of her bed and she shows her back towards it whilst sleeping. I do not agree with it as she is not disrespectful (and it's above the ground), keeps it close to her so as to read more often during the night. Her intention is Paak.

Women visiting the funeral home

Q: I wish to inquire what is the mas’alah with regards to women attending the funeral home of the deceased on the day of the janaazah. Please enlighten us with regards to the following:

1. Is it permissible for the general women of the community who are not the close family of the deceased to attend the home of the mayyit on the day of the janaazah as is the practice nowadays?

2. The mayyit house gets packed to capacity with women of the community (not necessarily the close family members but the general women). Will this be considered as causing takleef to the bereaved women of the house or not?

3. Which women are regarded as the close family members of the deceased?

4. Please explain the proper Shar’ee procedure for women to follow with regards to attending funeral homes?

Child born out of wedlock

Q: I want to ask you a very important matter. My husband had a girlfriend before I married him. For about nearly 8 months he was serious with her but accidentally she got pregnant. He said to her about termination but she lied and said yes I did (she's in a different country and she's a proper outgoing christian girl (English girl). When she was 3 months pregnant then my husband left that country (he just went for business and came back to U.K.). After he got back we married and then after 6 years he found out on her Facebook that she was saying that she got a girl from you. Now dilemma is that I am not happy I got married with him from last 12 years mashallah and got alhmdulillah 3 beautiful kids. I am really in a bad condition. We started to fight and argue. He wants that girl which is not on our religioun. She is now 11 years old. Then I told him that we got respect in people and we dont want to let anybody know and I'll adopt her as my child and inshaallah I'll teach her knowledge of Islam and put her in darululum. He said ok and we contacted that women and she said no she dont want her to be a Muslim and she's not interesting in Islam but please see her. I told my husband that I wont let you do that. If she don't want to accept Islam, do the dna test before you contact her. Now I really don't know what to do because I am worried that if he starts to see her then he'll be in contact with her mother. And if he contacts that girl then the problem is that she don't want to accept Islam and it will affect my kids. Mashallah they going to Islamic school.