Wearing false eyelashes
Q: I wanted to know if it's permissible to wear false eyelashes? And if there's one type that we aren't allowed to wear?
Q: I wanted to know if it's permissible to wear false eyelashes? And if there's one type that we aren't allowed to wear?
Q: I am a rep for a medicine company. We have to visit doctors to promote our medicines. The doctors are not receptive towards us until we give them a bribe. In this case, will it be permissible for us to give a bribe?
Q: When I am upset or angry with my wife at that time I thought in my heart it is better to give divorce to my wife, will divorce take place or not?
Q: Can a person marry her foster mother's daughter's of daughter?
Q: A diabetic, against the advice of a medical practitioner, fasts during the month of Ramadhan. Most days he manages quite well and is able to complete the fast. But now and then, he experiences hypoglycemia (very low blood sugar level) and then there is no alternative but to eat something immediately as otherwise it can lead to unconsciousness or coma within 2 minutes.
In the circumstances, what then is the penalty (if any) for each fast so broken and is it imperative to make up the missed fasts after Ramadhan or is one excused? And is Kaffara also payable and, if so, how much for each broken fast?
Q: I would like to know if playing card tricks just as a hobby is allowed in Islam?
Q: Is it permissible to perform kheer puri niaz?
Q: I am the imam occasionally in my madressa. After the fardh salah of zuhr. Would it be correct if I raise my hands and make dua softly to myself so that no one in the congregation can hear or is it correct to make a loud dua to which the congregation says ameen?
Q: Is it permissible to wear clothing with the outline of an animal no eyes or face in and out of salaat?
Q: I've a question about my cousin (female). She was married forcefully by her parents. They forced her emotionally and with other lies and she was married. She was never happy with her marriage and she never let her husband make any relation with her. She never even let him touch her and asked for Khulaa (Divorce). When her husband forcefully tried to have some physical relation with her she said the following words: "I declare you haraam on me in the presence of Allah (with Allah as my witness). Now any relation among us will be invalid or haraam".
Now I want to ask:
1. If their marriage ends with her saying this?
2. Does she still needs a divorce? and there is no effect on their marriage?