Woman visiting one's father privately

Q: I see a woman visiting my father everyday behind everyones back. Im not sure if he married this lady without my mother knowing. And I dont know if she will want to stay with him after this. Do I confront my father or tell my mother? If they dont stay together after I tell them this then is it my fault that they get divorced or must I just overlook all of this.

Going to people who deal with jinn

Q: I am asking this question as I genuinely don't know the answer.

Is it permissible to take advice from or to give time to a person who you speak to and where they would start reciting something quietly and start telling you things about yourself such as they would ask you if you are often bloated and if you have seen any blue marks on your body and if you are upset with your husband due to a certain reason (and may I just add that they are correct with a lot of the things they mention) and the thing is that no one actually gave them this information about yourself besides your name or sometimes your mother's name. They also would say to someone that they have a jinn in them and the jinn from that person would take possession of another person who is assisting this person who is helping you and you can interact with the jinn in this way.

Is it permissible in Islam to go to such people for help? How do they gather such information about you without even meeting you or merely speaking to you telephonically. I would assume they are getting the information from a jinn?

Please assist as I don't want to commit any bidat and so that if this is not in accordance with Islam, I can advise my loved ones against it.

Waswasa regarding talaaq

Q: I have 3 points in my questions.

1. What is the rulling in shariah about the person who is suffering with waswasa problem might utterd the word divorce unintentionally and unintentionally.

2. If someone uttered the divorce word without any intention he just uttered due to some doubt about divorce and waswasa than is it count when he was reading regarding and thinking about this.

3. I had lot of doubt about divorce statments due to waswasa problem I might had utterd divorce word or something like this in past but I am not 100% sure I had just doubt because I have been suffering with waswasa problem since long time due to this problem many times I had repeated my all prayers and also wudhu and ghusl. Due to waswasa problem sometimes I uttered many words when I am alone so feel fear and worry what to do and how to get rid out of this situation.

Changing the name Musaib

Q: I have been suffering from depression from 15 years almost and my heart has become extremely weak. I am taking antidepressants from 4 years. I recently visited a religious man, he told me your name is not suitable for you. I want to know the meaning of my name (Musaib) and if it is really wrong name, then I will have change it during nikah. Actually my parents named me Musaib without proper consultation with any religious man.