Making dua in other languages besides Arabic
Q: Can a person make due and beg for Allah Ta'ala to gorgive them in English or does it have to be in Arabic?
Q: Can a person make due and beg for Allah Ta'ala to gorgive them in English or does it have to be in Arabic?
Q: I am now 31 years yet can not find a groom. Actually I missed many opportunities now I regret that though I know that was Allah's decree. Now I feel too restless. No inner peace of mind. How can I remove my stress by dua? How can I convince Allah for getting married very soon?
Q: My question is that if a Muslim man has two wifes and one of them has womb cancer which means that she can't carry a pregnancy. Could the other wife carry the pregnancy for example like a surrogate would if she wishes to?
Q: When a customer returns an item that got damaged while in his possession after he bought it, do we have to give him a full refund or can we deduct the amount of the damage?
Q: How many rakaats are sunnat after the Jumuah Salaah and are all sunnat-e-muakkadah or some ghair-muakkadah?
Q: If the Imaam of a musjid writes taweezes and gives people taweezes , then is his salaah valid and is the salaah of those who perform salaah behind him valid?
1. Why has an illegitimate child not been made a beneficiary of the wealth and money of his father, moreover he can't adopt his name, socially not an individual which other child can be. In spite of him being innocent, why has he been refused with all the bounties a child enjoys?
2. If his mother and father repent for their deeds, still the child will be facing all the hardships and trauma of not being a legitimate child. Would the father still be liable for his zina even after repenting? If not then how would the child be given justice for something which his parents did and he is being paying off?
Q: I have a very simple question. If I reach late for the salaah and the imam is in sujood, can I join him? I know the rakaat will not be completed but can I join?
Q: Some youth in my community that I have caught smoking weed argue with me that they have done research, and found that weed has similar effects to coffee, it gives an energetic feeling with euphoria, similar to the effects coffee and energy drinks have to lots of people and thus the ruling of the Quran and hadith on it being an intoxicant like alcohol does not apply. How do I convince them otherwise?
Q: I would like to inquire as to whether or not it is permissible for a male to teach women. At my local masjid, a sheikh gives a class and the women sit in the masjid. There is separation between the men and the women as they sit on opposite sides of the masjid. To me, this just doesn't feel right.