Men wearing red
Q: Is wearing red color jersey permissible for men?
Q: Is wearing red color jersey permissible for men?
Q: What is the Islamic ruling on Black Friday? People worldwide consider it as a shopping day. Can Muslims partake in any promotion that is targeted or attached to this day?
Q: It sometimes happens that while offering four rakaats namaz, I get confused whether I am in the third or fourth rakaat, so I either pray the whole namaz again or conclude that I am offering the third rakaat and offer one more rakaat, do sajdah-e-ahw and finish my namaaz. I want to know if I get confused regarding the rakaat, then what has to be done?
Q: Does the wudhu of a diabetic break if he/she swabs the injection site (e.g abdomen, side of upper arm, front of thigh) with an alcohol pad and await awhile for it to dry prior to injecting himself/herself with insulin?
Q: Nowadays when we apply henna,after washing for a day or two its normal but after few days it starts shedding off. If we try to scratch it then it pains and causes reddishness. In such a condition, if we do wudhu, will it be permissible?
Q: I wanted to ask something about relationship issues. My husband is very strictly religious and he reads lots of Islamic books through the whole day in his free time. Even at night I tell him to sleep early, at least at 12 o clock in the night but he reads the seerah of prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and completes all the amal of zikr which is done under his shaykh. Then he goes to sleep at 3 or 4 am. I sometimes get upset about that. He doesn't give some of his free time to me and if I say anything he says that we must think of the aakhira, not the worldly life. Sometimes I comfort myself that what he's doing is to please Allah, so I don't bother him. But I want to know that what he's doing is it more rewardable than having free time with his wife and sleeping early with his wife?
Q: Rayyan Ahmed is a good name for a boy?
Q: Please can you suggest me some good names for a baby girl.
Q: My question is that today there are many groups - salafis, deobandis, barelvis, tablighis etc. I as a layman often find it hard to explain the differences between them to my other layman friends. Kindly, I need an answer that I can give to a layman because you know people nowadays argue over these issues in spite of not knowing even basics of tahara or salaah?
Q: Please comment on the various types of healing therapies women are being introduced to (Aafia Energy & Emotional therapy, Reiki & Body Talk).