Moving away from family due to free mixing and intermingling

Q: Should a person cut relations and move away from parents and other close relations if he or she is being made to feel isolated because of failure to adhere to the societal norm of free mixing? The individual in question feels that he is being an inconvenience at gatherings. Family feel compelled to make separate seating arrangements, which due to their habit of free mixing they can't keep to. In addition even on the rare occasions when complete segregation is adhered to the social gathering contains useless talk, which leads to gheebat. If the individual in question addresses this issue in the only way that he knows, then he is regarded as either being a spoil sport, breaking hearts or even mentally unwell. His family regard themselves as deendar but their Deeni talks ironically take place whilst brother in laws and sister in laws are sitting in the same gathering. This brother is now beginning to feel depressed and isolated and the only way out seems to be move away from everybody. Is this a reasonable course of action to take in this particular situation?

Acquiring knowledge of worldly sciences


1. Is acquiring knowledge of the worldly sciences دنيوي علوم for example faradhul kifayah according to the Hanafi Madhab?

2. If so then a فرض is thabit by a dalil in which there is no شبهة i.e فطعي دليل . What is the qati dalil for this?

3. A منكر of a a fardh is classed as kafir. Will a person who rejects it be classed as kafir?

4. Will it be necessary to have belief of it being fardh? ( fardh's ruling is الزوم علما و تصديقا بالقلب)

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad

Q: I need a clarification about the commentary of Holy Quran I downloaded online. The commentary was trying to describe the importance of Surat Al-fatiha and it made mention of one Ahmadiyyah Movement in the name of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad saying he claimed to have fulfilled the prophecy relating to the second advent of Jesus by holding in his hands the little chapter, Al-Fatiha relating it to revelation in the New Testament prophecy precisely Rev. 10:1-2. I just want to confirm the authenticity of this commentary before I continue reading. I am very cautious of Islamic materials I read. I just to you, sheik to confirm or explain more about the commentary relating it to Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

Bucket and spade found on the beach

Q: When I went on the beach, I found a bucket and spade (which the children play with). The items were lying around close to the sea. The water of the sea was very close about to take away the items. I took the bucket and spade assuming it would have washed away in the sea if I hadn't taken it. Is it permissible for me to give it to my children to play with? In the above situation if the answer is no then what should I do with the items?

Covering utensils at night


1. I have heard that all utensils must be covered at night as sickness or evil can come down. Is this true? If things like the cap of a shampoo bottle is left open by mistake overnight, can it be used?

2. Can the crumbs that collect on the table cloth be dusted down the sink if one does not have access to a garden?