Allah Ta'ala is free from all defects
Q: I have heard muftis saying that it is wrong to say that Allah Ta'ala has the Power to lie. Defects are not under His qudrat, since lying is a defect and Allah Ta'ala is free from all defects. Please clarify.
Q: I have heard muftis saying that it is wrong to say that Allah Ta'ala has the Power to lie. Defects are not under His qudrat, since lying is a defect and Allah Ta'ala is free from all defects. Please clarify.
Q: Is investing in Heera Gold company halaal or haraam. The company says that it is halaal because it trades in gold, textiles and other products and does not deal in riba. If we invest about one laakh rupees we would get approx 3000 rupees per month and we can take our amount of one lakh when we want. It says that there is 60 -40 partnership and we are also entitled to loss. There is lots of people who invest in this company thinking it's halaal so could you please research on this company and give fatwa on weather it's halaal or haraam?
Q: If the children are being deprived of visiting the father by the mother, what should be done?
Q: From what point does a musaafir calculate the start of his journey? For example, I live in London and if I travel to a distant northern city from which point do I become a traveller? The distance from my home to the edge of North London is approx 25 miles. And the distance to the border of my local area is approx 200 feet.
Q: I have questions about the Sahaba.
1) Hazrat Abu Bakr has the highest status, followed by Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab. Who has the third position? Hazrat Usmaan or Hazrat Ali?
2)After the Khulafa-e-Rashideen, are the remaining six Ashra Mubashra the highest in status compared to the rest of Sahaba?
3) Some people, Nauzubillah, accuse Hazrat Usman bin Affaan of avoiding battles such as the Battle of Uhud, and accuse him of being a coward. Can you explain this matter please?
Q: I run a supermarket. Can I come up with offers that target Hindu clientele e.g. Diwali 20 percent off or Raksha Bandan offers? As a Muslim, can I use Hindu big days to come up with offers for Hindu clientele?
Q: I'm interested in a guy who belongs to the Ahle-Hadith and I am a Sunni. If I do nikaah with him, will it be legal (jayez)?
Q: What is the end time of the (a) Israaq prayer and (b) Duha prayer? I already know their start times and preferred times, but would like to know their end times please.
Q: I asked about EHT or EFT, but what about this Aafiya healing that this guy from UK is teaching. Also uses energies and quraan ayaats and it's a BID healing practice?
Q: Your fatwa response on body talk an reiki is noted however the problem we here is Azaadville have a bigger issue having to deal with the influence of EFT, which is promoted by an Aalimah, and has changed it to EHT to make it more islamic, however basic processes included Allah awareness but is still based on EFT and its practices, so if it is promoted by an Aalimah how do we convince people its a non-islamic practice? Also she says she has approval from some mufti in PMB yet no local muftis besides that approve body talk. What is sad is that most Aalimahs attend and approve her courses, so how do we get messages out or prevent people from being misled?