Qadha for missed Salaahs

Q: Around ten years ago I had performed umrah. At the time I was negligent regarding my discharge and reading salaah with a fresh wudhu. I wish to repeat all of my salaah. What should my intention be before performing each salaah. It is 6 weeks of salaah.

Wet dream

Q: If I have a wet dream but on waking up I don't see or feel any wetness at my private area and also on my clothes, because I am doubtful in nature so I insert a cloth at my vagina then little wetness put on that cloth but wetness was not mani and also I thought that this is just the moisture of vagina as woman private area have always wetness?

Asking the husband for divorce if he takes a second wife

Q: My question is about second marriage. I have very good relation with my husband and his family. My husband loves me and our two daughters. My in-laws think that I am an ideal wife and ideal daughter in-law , however, my husband says that some men need more than one wife and recently he was seriously thinking about second marriage. I told him that if he wants a second wife, then he has to divorce me first. I have no problem with his getting married for two or three times but I do not want to be his wife in that case. He said he cannot leave me. As I know him, he loves me but he needs more wives as well. What would be my situation in Shariah if I refuse to keep marital relations with him?

Zakaat on the sale of a property

Q: I sold a plot of land in March 2016 and paid Zakat @2.5% of the total sale. From the sale proceeds I purchased another property in August 2016. As per the sale agreement, a down payment was made and the balance amount would be paid in July 2017. My question is that do I have to pay zakaat on this amount also?