Spending on one's family on the day of Aashura
Q: Is it permissible to eat meat or chicken or any type of delicious food on the 10th of Muhrram?
Q: Is it permissible to eat meat or chicken or any type of delicious food on the 10th of Muhrram?
Q: Can a single qurbaani on Eid-ul-adha be done for the sawab of more than one deceased person?
Q: If we convey the reward after reciting Qur'an or Durood Shareef to a deceased person, do we get any reward ourself too?
Q: Whilst doing istinja and washing away the urine, sometimes water goes towards the inner thighs, but is this water considered najis. Do I have to wash my thighs and my hand after washing away the urine, or is it considered clean because water is continuously running. I feel like I have to use more water this way and I'm not sure if I should be washing everything.
Q: I gave my wife 3 talaaqs 9 years ago. We have two daughters who were 2 and 4 years at the time. First talaaq was given while my in laws were living with us. We got into a very bad argument (screaming and shouting) and I wanted to leave the house but my father in law insisted that I give her talaaq. Unfortunately I did not know much about rules of talaaq back then.We were apart for 6-7 months but reconciled and made nikkah again. At this time my then wife was looking after and supporting her parents as they were out of work, which put a lot of strain on our relationship. We had another disagreement a few months later and I consequently issued her with another talaaq and while issuing her with the second one she insisted that I give her a third talaaq. My wife was a very stubborn woman and while I am not short tempered if I do get angry I "snap". At this stage I became so enraged that I issued her with the third and final talaaq. The third talaaq was issued out of pure rage and this is something that I regret to this day. As stated before it is now 9 years later and neither myself or she has been with anyone else. For the past 9 years it seems as if we have have grown closer to one another (without her parents involvement as they have moved to Cape Town). I would like to know if there is any chance that we can reconcile and get married again? A few days ago she confessed that she still loves me and I in turn also confessed that I still love her. At the time I did not know the implications or conditions of talaaq and have asked Allah for forgiveness as I realize what I did was wrong.
Q: Is there something that one can read to aid in a job search?
Q: What is the correct way to pray the Salats of Zuhr and Asr behind the Imam? Also, please, explain what is the correct way to perform the third Rak'ah of Maghrib and third and fourth Rak'ah of Isha behind the imam. Should a Muqtadi (person praying Jamaat behind Imam) recite Fatiha and Surah in the first two Rak'ahs of Asr and Zuhr and then recite Fatiha only in the last two Rak'ahs of Zuhr and Asr? Also should the Muqtadi recite Fatiha in the third Rak'ah of Maghrib and in third and fourth Rak'ah of Isha or should he stay quite? You I have to read inni and sana before surah fatiha in jamaat and in sunnat prayers shall I recite inni and sana? While performing prayer alone of maghrib what to recite in the third rakat?
Q: My son got married two years back,which I was against but however he did not listen and proceded with the nikah. She is a girl that does not want to mix with the family, preventing my son from mixing with family and breaking family ties. She is troublesome and brings on petty issues that has no concrete reasoning just to bring on a fight. Her parents are very controlling in my son's marriage. Please can you give me a dua that she leaves our family to prevent further future problems and they separate.
Q: If a man wants to marry another woman can he marry without permission from the first wife? If she doesn't give permission and he marries the other woman anyway is it a sin?
Q: In the one instance, one makes intention to keep a nafil fast or to perform a nafil salaat. But then, at the appropriate time, one changes one’s mind and does not keep the fast or perform the nafil salaat. In the second instance, one had already commenced performing nafil salaat but when one’s wudhu broke, one did not renew one’s wudhu and abandoned performing the nafil salaat. In the first instance, is it now mandatory to fast and perform the nafil salaat one had intended to perform? And, in the second instance, does performing the abandoned nafil salaat also become mandatory?