Repenting from homosexuality

Q: I want to ask that how can I get rid of gayism. I have been practising it for a long time. I feel bad when I do this and I want to get out of this too. I have performed umrah as well but yet I am unable to keep myself away from this sin. I for few days or months get detached with these activities but then again get into it. I really need some solution to it because I feel really frightened about the aakhirat.

Waswasas of talaaq

Q: My question is about talaq. I have been a serious mental patient for last three years. Nowadays I am a little bit normal by some wazeefa and medicines. Three years ago I had too much waswasa and mental illness. There was too much pressure and mental error in my mind. 24 hours my mind was busy in unnecessary and unintentionally waswasa and mental thinking. What came in my mind, I would repeat it many times because of waswasa and mental illness. When I looked at something like name of someone then I looked at for long time because of too much waswasa. When I touched something then I touched it many times because of waswasa and mental pressure. I had also this problem while ablution and I washed one organ many times because of waswasa.I had also this problem in reciting Holy Quran and in my study. I read one word many times and looked at for a long time. What came in my mind, I would not be relaxed until I repeated it verbally many times. I was always talking to myself. My mental disease was too much serious and unintentionally that I could not stop and control it and if I did not do some wazeefa and medicines, I would loss my sense. Two years ago for the reason of leaving waswasa and mental thinking because I could not stop it I said with myself these words. ( "If I have waswasa and mental thinking INTENTIONALLY, my wife will be divorced on me" ) After that I did not think INTENTIONALLY but I could not stop it and waswasa came to my mind UNINTENTIONALLY because It was a serious problem and I had too much mental pressure that automatically waswasa and mental thinking was coming to my mind UNINTENTIONALLY. Now I have too much doubt that Talaq is valid for not valid?

Consulting parents with regards to nikaah

Q: Me and the person I want to marry did Istikhara for ourselves. Each of us did it thrice. My dreams were as follows: 1. I was in a house looking for some clothes. I look out of the window and it's a green land with huge trees and I see my brother coming towards me in white. 2. I saw myself walking on snow. 3. I saw the lawn of my house.

His dreams were as follows:

1. Someone rings the bell at night and his mom says not to go out, he does and there is no one.

2. He is in a plane and the air hostess are wearing maroon uniform.

3. He is standing outside a house and someone is throwing pebbles at him. He goes up to the roof and there is no one. Can you please tell the interpretations of the dreams?