Q: My brother passed away prior to my father. Do his childeren inherit from his estate. My three sisters passed away after my father has passed away, do the grandchilderns or the son in-laws inherit from his estate?
Q: My brother passed away prior to my father. Do his childeren inherit from his estate. My three sisters passed away after my father has passed away, do the grandchilderns or the son in-laws inherit from his estate?
Q: Which work was angel Michael entrusted by Allah? Why did Allah specifically take his name in surah 2 verse 98 along with Gabriel? Who were his enemies which Allah is referring to in the verse?
Q: Was any Quranic verse revealed in Babylon to our beloved Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
Q: On page 194 beheshti zewar English, #4, it says, the spot on which sajdah will be made should not be more than half a metre higher than feet. However page 165 #7 mentions the same maslah but says one span is the distance. Is the correct distance one span or half a metre?
Q: Can you please inform me of the ruling of niqaab while in ihraam?
Q: It's very hard to determine nowadays who deserves to receive zakaat. Can you elaborate who deserves to receive zakaat? Please advise.
Q: Whilst reading Qur'an, if a person knows Arabic and comes across an ayat where there's a command to glorify Allah or seek refuge with Him, and the person makes dua accordingly, do they have to recite ta'awwuz again before they resume the tilawat? Would the rulings be different if they made the dua in a language other than Arabic?
Q: Which amount zakaat should be paid on, rent received or value of rental investment property?
Q: Can Zakaat be discharged to buy wheel chairs and distribute in the hospital so disabled people can use those wheelchairs?
Q: Can Zakaat be discharged to build electric water cooler in grave yard or any other public places so people can drink cold water during intense weather?