The first husband returning after the wife remarries

Q: Please inform me the law in the hanafi mazhab if news regarding the demise of one's husband was received and after iddah, the widow got married to another man but after some years the first husband comes back. Which nikaah will be valid? With the first husband or the second husband? The woman has one child from the first husband and two children from the second husband?

Women's Salaah


1. How women must lift her hands during the first takbeer – close to the middle section of her bosom or close to the area near armpits where bosom part starts? Takbeer must be said after hands are up, not during lifting them up, is it correct?

2. When we say takbeer in salaah (women salah) we immediately go to next posture and we finish saying takbeer only after reaching it. How to deal with mistakes that happen sometimes with this, when we are too fast either to say takbeer or to reach the posture or we are just the opposite, to slow? Do we have to repeat salaah or make sajda-sawh or ignore this? I have some salahs where I made such mistakes, what to do about those salahs, repeat them or not?

Applying for a job which one is not fully qualified for

Q: I want to ask that earning from a intercede (shifarish shuda) job is halaal or haram? I mean my friend was not fully qualified for a job actually government is equipping clerks in schools. The criteria is a typist who can type 80 words per minute and they prefer to inter pass. While my friend can type but not according to demand and his typing speed is very slow and he is matric pass and doing his inter. He submitted a typing certificate in which it is written he can type 92 words per minute while his typing speed is very slow. So he applies for that job and a famous man intercedes on his behalf and he gets selected so earning from that job will be halaal or haram?

Islamic banks

Q: I want to know whether Al hilal bank based at UAE is a purely Islamic and shariah compliance oriented bank. As by name many banks say or put the word Islamic with their bank; which really doesn't make them Islamic. Please clarify.