Nail polish
Q: Can a woman apply mehndi and nail polish during time of haidh?
Q: Can a woman apply mehndi and nail polish during time of haidh?
Q: Can a woman go to Pakistan to do Islamic studies? Father wants to go with her and leave her alone and come back.
Q: I would like to know if keeping aquatic turtles as pets is permitted in Islam?
Q: I have a question about my friend. My friend was a victim of black magic and jinns since long. So she was not getting married due to jinns. She tried many islamic wazifas and took help of many islamic scholars to get cured black magics on her. But after some time situations used to re-occur. My friend got a marriage proposal again. Guy said he really liked the girl and my friend also liked this proposal guy very much. But for no proper reason this proposal also got rejected. After years of trying to get rid of jinns by islamic way. Jinns used to again attack my friend's marriage proposals again. My friend finally visited a man who had jinns under his control to eliminate the jinns which were causing problems in my friend's marriage proposals. And my friend used help of jinns to get back the lost marriage proposal which got cancelled for no proper reason. And she got married to this proposal muslim guy in islamic way of getting married. My friend did sin but she strongly believed in Allah is the only God and creator of this universe before marriage, while her marriage and still my friend believes that Allah is the only God. Now our question is, is my friend's marriage relationship with her husband is valid as per islam? Are her children from this marriage legal or illegal as per islam? And all this while when ever she was physically close to her husband, was legal or illegal? Please reply, eagerly waiting for your soon reply.
Q: Is a follower or believer of the group or sect USI ( United Submitters International) a group founded by Rashad Khalifa an Egyptian native in the USA still in the fold of Islam or is he out of the fold of Islam? They believe primarily only in Quran though having their own English interpretation. They have no regard for sunnah and Hadith describing it as innovation and tradition contrary to the teachings of Quran. Would Nikkah to such a follower or believer be valid? Please give a detailed clarification and reasons for such. Urgent response much appreciated.
Q: My question is how to control the nafs. Is there any zikr?
Q: Is drop shipping permissible in shariah? i.e. a person advertising an item, taking payment for it from a customer, and then informing the supplier to deliver the item directly to the customer?
Q: I signed a contract for work. I didn't want to, but I didn't want to have any problems because I want to work this halaal job. At the bottom, it states, "I acknowledge receipt of this summary and the attached contract of employment. I accept the terms of my contract of employment. I have also received and read a copy of the Employee Handbook and I accept the rules, policies and procedures set in it." I signed it and the Employee Handbook is exhaustive to read (I did read it) and I am having problems with my conscience because I take my word seriously and I want to know that if I failed in some of the rules is this taken as me "lying" or what does it mean? Or does it just mean that I am liable for my failures?
Q: I have a problem from many months like when I sleep at night, I wake up shouting as if I have seen something near the place where I sleep. I literally see someone sitting where my feet ends or a face in the wall and scream out of fear and wake up shouting and this happens usually after 5 a.m in India and sometimes it happens like I am not able to move my hands, legs and head and cannot speak. Even after trying to move with all my strength or trying to shout at the top of my voice. I find it hard to breath and at that point if someone just touches me, i wake up then its a relief for me like I survived death and this happens early morning and when I am sleeping straight. I always sleep after reciting surah fatiha then ayatal kursi then 3 times surah ikhlaas surah falak and surah naas then one time surah kafiroon surah takasur and surah kausar then dua for sleeping then 21 times bismillah and one dua is like ﺑِﺴْﻢِ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﻟَﺎ ﻳَﻀُﺮُّ ﻣَﻊَ ﺍﺳْﻤِﻪِ ﺷَﻲْﺀٌ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﻭَﻟَﺎ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﺀِ ﻭَﻫُﻮَ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤِﻴﻊُ ﺍﻟْﻌَﻠِﻴﻢُ and then the 1st kalima and then I sleep either on my left or right but still I wake up out of fear dreams. Even if I sleep very late at night, I will still be awake at the same time. What should I do?
Q: A married person who is secretly in contact with another unmarried woman but he is an Imam of a masjid also, Salaah performed behind him is valid or not?