Q: Does nose congestion (snot) break ones fast?
1. Accidently remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting)
2. Deliberately remembering I am fasting (and not remembering I am fasting) 3. You are in a situation you can’t spit it out, but if you swallow it you know you will be having thoughts that it will satisfy your thirst even if you don’t want to satisfy it. What must you do? Ignore these thoughts? Situations are: 1. You are outside around people, 2. you are very tired and you are in your bed trying to sleep,
3. When we cry during dua we have a lot of saliva, swallowing it makes fast void or not?
4. If we have a lot of saliva but we are outside around people?
4. When you are having them a lot during salah (you emptied your nose before salah but during salah still have a lot) and it’s difficult to go on praying, you must either stop salah or swallow it, what to do in such cases?
5. Does moisture that comes directly from the brain into your throat (not from the nose) break ones fast?
6. Sometimes I find myself in a situation when the nose congestion is already out of your nose and you can only swallow it, you cant spit it out either because you are in metro lets say, or because physically its already in a passage that you can only swallow it. Does swallowing it break fasting in such cases?