Customer forgetting to take his change
Q: If a customer forgets to take his change (like R100) or forgets something at your shop and doesn't come back to claim it, what should a person do with that item or money?
Q: If a customer forgets to take his change (like R100) or forgets something at your shop and doesn't come back to claim it, what should a person do with that item or money?
Q: My question is on Marijuana (weed). If he/she smokes marijuana, is that person napaak for 40 days? Does the ruling for alcohol apply to smoking marijuana as well?
Q: Is it correct for a father to dispose of his wealth to his only son, as in put everything into his sons name before he dies because he does not wish his wife or three daughters to inherit his vast amount of wealth. Also, is it correct to give your three daughters and one son according to Shar'iah when you are still alive? Is it correct to treat your daughters as a burden and say they are entitled to nothing because of they are married. Furthermore, Allah has blessed this father with so much wealth that he humiliates his son in-laws, lies and causes family divisions between the brother and sisters. I have never embarrassed my father or ever claimed the truth from anyone. He has lied about my husband. I always say Allah will give me justice. But now my father wishes to take my sister and my mother out of his trust and put a business worth millions into my brother's name because he is afraid we will inherit from the business when he dies. He does not wish for his three daughters or like he says burdens to benefit from this business.
Q: Is it necessary for a woman to shave the underarms and pubic hair regularly and are women allowed to use scissors or shaving blades for this purpose?
Q: What is the law for women to cover face, hands and Feet. If there is a law for covering face, hands and feet then kindly give the detailed reference in Answer because in Pakistan The Council of Islamic Ideology has said that "Shari'ah doesn’t ask women to cover face, hands or feet".
Q: There are various scenarios in which there could be difficulty in me performing Salaah at its prescribed time (of which I have noted four examples below):
a) Being kidnapped and held at gunpoint for a couple of hours
b) The little room in my workplace (which the hierarchy of the company have allowed me to use for Salah during my break times) being occupied by others for a one-off meeting they are having
c) Bleeding from a wound or a cut for a couple of hours
d) Waking up about 15 minutes before Fajar time ends to find that nocturnal emission has taken place and realizing that there is not sufficient time for me to have a ghusl and pray Fajar.
My questions:
1. If I become a person of Taqwa, it is absolutely impossible for any of the four scenarios mentioned above (or similar scenarios) from occurring? (The reason for asking this is that in a previous answer, Muftisaab stated that when Allah says in Surah Talaaq “And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out”, it refers to any difficulty that a person may be in. Surely this would also relate to difficulties in performing Salaah at its prescribed time).
2. Would I become a kafir if I believe or state that such scenarios could – on the rare one-off occasion – take place even if I fear Allah and keep my duty to Him? Having such a belief would surely mean that a person has rejected the second verse of Surah Talaq? Yes? No?
Q: Why does the Quran rhythm and topic change in the same Surah? For example in shurah Alkawsar the first aayah is about abundance, the second is about prayer and sacrifice and the third is about posterity.
Q: With the money for fitra, can you put it in any charity box or give it to any charity? Is it only for wheat or what? Please explain how to give it to a charity (not giving it yourself, but paying for it in cash to be distributed); I hope I am understood.
Q: Is it permissable to keep hamsters as pets?
Q: What is the soonest time one can read ishraaq after sunrise?