Difficulties and trials

Q: I have been facing some very very tough situations from many years. I was too sad and I gave up on living but somebody told me that Allah Ta'ala puts people he loves into all kinds of situations and troubles. If this is true, then I will face every problem happily. Could you please clarify this matter for me?

Giving advice

Q: How do I advise a non-Muslim that is going through severe depression and has been suicidal for many years? He is confiding in me. He does have financial problems, but there is much more that he has not shared. I feel that he would be insulted if I try offer any financial help. He says that he finds no true benefit with counselors or psychologists etc. I feel he has some mental condition. He says that he day-dreams about dying and is not happy with the materialistic society. Anyhow, I am just trying to raise his spirits and give him hope. Is this correct? Please advise.

Keeping the beard at one fist length


1. How long was the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam's) beard?

2. Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) trim his beard if it was longer than a fist?

3. What is the Shariah ruling of keeping a beard longer than a fist?

4. Is the following information about the length of the beard correct? Please provide reference.

THE BEARD: Abū Zur'ah (one of Salaf) said: “Abū Hurayrah used to take a hand hold from his beard then cut what was more than a fistful.” [مصنف ٨\٣٥٦]

Imām Abū Ḥaneefah رحمه الله: “It is said; 'Whoever has a long beard (more than fistful), he has no intellect'.” [الثقات لابن حبان ٩\١٦٢]

Imām ash-Shāfi'ī رحمه الله: “When the beard is lengthened (more than a fist-length), the intellect is shortened.” [الوافي بالوفيات ٢\١٢٣]

al-Qāḍī 'Iyyaḍ رحمه الله: “As for taking from (a beard longer than a fistful), its length and its width, it is good.” [إكمال المعلم ٢\٣٦]

Shaykh al-Albānī: “It (trimming hair from beard that exceeds fist-length) is reported from Companions & no one opposed them.” [الهدى والنور]


Q: I know that Sufis practise Tawajjuh on their mureeds so that they become more inclined towards practising on Deen. How do they practise it? Is it also allowed for a "basic" Muslim to do Tawajjuh so that some Muslims become more inclined towards Deen or some kaafirs also become inclined towards Islam? If yes, what is the method of Tawajjuh?