Reciting out of sequence in Sunnat Salaah
Q: In a four rakaat sunnah salaah, if a person reads Surah falaq and naas in the first 2 rakaats, is it fine to read surahs before that thereafter, such as Surah wal aadiyaat and qariah?
Q: In a four rakaat sunnah salaah, if a person reads Surah falaq and naas in the first 2 rakaats, is it fine to read surahs before that thereafter, such as Surah wal aadiyaat and qariah?
Q: Do I have to pay the Zakaat on rental income after taking away all expenses or I have to pay Zakaat on the purchase price of the house?
Q: Please tell me a wazifa for unity between siblings.
Q: I am working as a teacher in a school in saudi arabia where I am teaching American curriculum. Now I have been offered a job from Altauwania insurance company. Please let me know whether it is Halaal or haram to do a job in an insurance company.
Q: My father passed away recently. We are 7 siblings and 1 half sibling from my dad's previous marriage. My dad had bequeathed verbally that his car should be sold and the money should be used in building a musjid. My dad also bequeathed verbally that he has 50000 rands aside for his two daughters marriages and this money should be split between the two. My dad had income coming in from a rental property as well. And finally he has a paid house that my brother contributed to it. How is all this distributed? Can the verbal bequeath be accepted? Do gifts / bequeaths have to be only from his 1/3 of the total property? Is gifts and bequeaths separate? Do we have to first to subtract all the funeral expenses,debts fidya then distribute? I understand this should be done from the 1/3. Is this correct? How is the rental property going to be distributed?
Q: Are there known accounts of pious people having the ability to stand by graves and converse with the marhooms buried below?
Q: Someone asked me a question regarding the angel of death can malikul maut make a mistake by taking someone's life and bring it back after a short period of time?
Q: Mohammed and Abdul Kader own a business property on a 50/50 basis. Mohammed offers to sell 50% of his portion of the property to Abdul Kader for R1 250 000.00 which was to be paid cash. Abdul Kader accepts the offer but doesn't pay a cent. Is the sale complete? If Abdul Kader didn't pay, is Mohammed entitled to the rentals? Can Abdul Kader say that he is paying terms when the term period was not fixed or arranged with Mohammed?
1) Is it permissible to read newspapers?
2) Is it permissible to keep newspapers at home with pictures etc visible no matter which way you fold and turn the newspaper around?
3) Is it advisable to give an old person newspaper to read to keep upto date with the latest happenings?
4) One aalim mentioned that even mashaaikh and buzrugs also have to know what's going on in the important local and international news. How does one find out this without reading newspapers or news websites when all of them will have pictures etc.
Q: A popular non-Muslim bookshop is selling a single, second hand copy of a Qadiani book, "The True Islam." I fear that perhaps an un-wary Muslim, or a non-Muslim may purchase this deviated book.
(1) Would it be a good idea for me to purchase this kitaab for the express purpose of disposing it?
(2) Since deviated literature also contains the Name of Allah Ta'ala and Ayaats of the Quraan, it cannot be thrown in the garbage. This would apply to the deviated Modernist, Salafi, Berelwi, Shiah and distorted non-Muslim works on Islam as well. Like the Yusuf Ali Translation of the Quraan. How should such literature be destroyed?