Going out to work during iddat

Q: Is it permissible for a woman to go to work during iddat in order to retain her job thereafter, if she has no brothers, the rest of her mahrams are not interested in supporting her, though they have not been specifically asked, and her father is retired and so may not be able to support her after iddat. The question surrounds necessity. What constitutes necessity? It is unlikely that in a Western country, where benefits are paid, she is likely to starve. Furthermore, it is not the case that the father of the girl is so poor that he is eligible for zakat. It is very likely that he could provide his daughter meals and basic shelter after divorce. In such a scenario, would it be necessary for the woman to go to work during iddat if her husband is willing to pay maintenance?

Bone broth

Q: I am researching the use of bone broth and I need to know if is permissible. It is a soup type of dish which is jelly in form after many hours of boiling and also a type of gelatin. If so, are all parts of the bones permissible for use, particularly bone marrow? (except the organs from which we are forbidden to use and eat). It is used for stomach lining healing.

Premarital relationship

Q: I love a guy and he loves me too. Our parents know about it but my father has no problem. Even his family likes me. Only my mom has a problem with our relation. I did ishtekhara even my mom did and the answer was yes. How do I convince my mom. Please give me some wazifa. I can't live without that guy. I feel like committing suicide.

Arguments between husband and wife

Q: My question is based on my situation below, is our marriage still valid? My husband and I have had a argument back in november 2014 and since then we have not been under the same roof. We have communicated over the phone and twice in the presence of others, but overall every conversation we had was with a lot of argument, fight, negativity in all forms, no matter how hard I tried to make it positive. We have not had a happy conversation ever since on good terms as a genuine husband and wife would in a normal non-stressful life. What concerns me that with all that negativity and separation going on, is our nikaah still valid? Are we considered a married couple? I hope I provided enough information for you to analyze the correct Islamic way for my situation.


Q: my brother passed away who was parentless and unmarried. He left his personal property. We are two brothers and four sisters. Please tell us how his property will be distributed among us.


Q: The problem with my mother is 13 years ago she was operated for left side breast cancer. She had undergone chemo 6 cycles and radiotherapy. Now since past 6 months she complained about the pain in her left side chest and drastic weight loss, the pain was excruciating and after multiple diagnosis and biopsy the Doctor's concluded that her breast cancer has re-occurred and spread to the lungs and part of the liver, there is no other symptom other than the pain, fatigue and weight loss. The allopathic Doctors have said that chemo would aggravate the situation and might make her bed ridden, moreover we are not in the favor of allopathic treatment as we have seen her suffering years ago. Hence we approached ayurvedic doctor and to add to my problem he mixed some medicines in cow's urine and prescribed to take on empty stomach. My mother never misses her prayer, recites quran, reads surah baqrah daily and I give her ruqya water on empty stomach. The fact that she has to drink the urine early morning is killing me though she does not know about anything of this. Kindly help. I don't want to go against Allah and his Rasool (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and treat my mom. If there is shifa in it I would surely go ahead and give it to my mom. And how can Allah Ta'ala put shifa in such a filth. I have full faith in Allah and hence reluctant to go ahead with the medication.