Protecting one's chastity

Q: I had a question regarding a female being chaste or being pure. If a girl has a haraam relationship with a ghair mehram, and they commit sexual acts like fondling, and all kinds of touching besides sexual intercourse, is she still considered a chaste female? Is she still paak daaman? The girl regrets the relationship she's in so much, and she makes sure not to do it again, can she still be forgiven? Or will she be placed in a category like zina? Also, she's trying to end the relationship with the guy completely, but he is saying that they should cut communication till they can talk to each other's parents about marriage. The girl and guy are from different cultures, both Muslim, but the girl is scared about the parents not being too open-minded. Should the girl end the relationship completely with the guy and marry the one her parents want later on? Or keep the relationship, and see what happens in the future?

Breaking one's oath

Q: I have taken oath that I will not watch porn but accidentally on Facebook I have a picture of a nude woman displaying her backside parts of her body. Is my oath broken and do I have to pay kaffarah. I don't earn so if my oath is broken so can I fast for 3 consecutive days as I can't feed the poor because I don't earn and still studying and what should be the niyyah for the fasts?

Dissecting dead bodies

Q: In medical school you have to take anatomy class and dissect cadavers (dead-bodies) of non-Muslims and maybe Muslims (I am not sure if there are any Muslims that donate their body after they die so I think all the cadavers are non-Muslims).

1) Do you have to do ghusl after dissecting?

2) Do you have to do wudhu after dissecting?

3) How many times do you have to wash your hands?

4) If you touch the clothes you dissected in after you do wudhu or wash your hands do your hands or things the clothes touches like your bag become napaak?

5) Does the rulings for questions 1-4 change weather the dead-body is of a Muslim or non-Muslim?

Discharge problem

Q: I have been struggling with OCD and trying to get better and not take so long when doing wudhu but I keep having doubts which makes me take like 15-20 minutes for it. As a female you get discharge and the area is always wet and has a white mucus. Every time I go to do wudhu I think I have to clean all of it off but its' always there next time because it is naturally supposed to be there. So I spend so much time washing over and over again and scratching to take it all off because I think only poring water on the area doesn't clean everything because it sticks to the area 1) Is it sufficient to just wash the area with water by pouring it over 2) Do you have to scratch every little bit off? It is very time consuming and can cause pain and infections because I keep trying to remove something that is naturally there.

Irregular bleeding

Q: If a female usually menstruates for 6-7 days but this week due to reasons had an odd cycle where she took a shower on the 5 day which was Wednesday and the next day in the evening (Thursday) checked her pad and she thinks she saw brown/yellow (can't remember for sure) but then changes her pad and that night (Thrusday) and changed it again but can't remember if she saw nothing or the littlest bit of yellow/brown discharge. 1) When should he consider her period to be over? Which namaz did she miss for that day? Usually she has a lot more bleeding but this time since she was washing a lot in that area it was shorter cycle. 2) When should she have showered. Thursday or Friday like she normally would?

Making tawbah and then repeating the sin

Q: I think I have some form of OCD so I constantly worry /doubt what I do. I used to live a careless life and have wanted to changed my ways so I did. I am trying to now be a better muslim. I read the prayer of repentance asking for forgiveness but when I was say ameen at the end a bad thought just comes into my head. With my OCD problem this happens a lot.

1) Did my namaaz still count?

2) If a person repents and asks for forgiveness then promises to try to be a better Muslim and tries not to make the same mistakes and makes a mistake will they be breaking their promise? I ask this as I am still young and I want to be practical. I mean if the person promises to try and its human nature to make mistakes then they wont be breaking their promise right?

3) If a person promises to never make the same mistake again but then realizes that it is better to promise to try to never make the same mistake again and says that, will the first statement be overridden? Because I think it is better to promise something that I know I can do for sure rather than be unpractical and think I will never make another mistake in my life because I want to strive to be better than I was before but I don't want to break a promise, so is it valid to promise to try instead? Did my namaaz count?

Surrogate mother

Q: We are married for the past 9 years. We have no kids. We tried for all possible treatments including IVF but no success. Medical problem is in my husband and me too. So if my husband does a second marriage still he is unable to conceive naturally, then will surrogate mothers be permissible in our case. We want to do his second marriage and do surrogacy with her, if allowed in Islam. I have read a lot about surrogacy that it is not allowed but in our case when naturally we cannot have children and our relationship is disturbed a lot due to this lack of kids, can we do surrogacy.

Insulting Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam)

Q: If someone insults the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) then should there be any punishment for him, looking at the fact that he did not kill any innocent human being, and as Allah Ta'ala says that we should forgive anyone who says bad words to us, and we should reply with Salaam? I need references from Quran and the Saheeh Hadith, only then I will believe.