Giving money in charity on the assumption that it is interest

Q: From the information I had available to me, I thought a sum of money was haraam interest. I gave this money to the poor without the intention of reward. I was later informed by the bank that in fact no interest was accruing in my account. I therefore gave out halaal money without the intention of reward. Will Allah Ta'ala still reward me despite the intention made at that time?

Doubts regarding the income of the person giving the gift

Q: A Muslim relative is known to have been involved in taking drugs and alcohol. I do not know the source of his income i.e. whether he even deals in drugs or not. He has been in and out of rehab many times. I do not know his current condition. He sends a gift for me.

(1) Is this gift permissible for me?

(2) If it is not permissible, must it be given in charity without the intention of reward?

Communicating before marriage

Q: I was introduced to a boy with the intention of marriage. He is from a different city. We are compatible in all aspects as we've discussed what it is we are looking for in a spouse. I went for umrah and made a lot of Dua for guidance. I met this boy with my brother who is my mahram. My parents knew about this and agreed it was ok. However we decided to make istikhaara. He hasn't spoken to my parents or his. My istikhaara came out positive and he says he didn't have a good feeling. I am certain we went about it the incorrect way. Should he have come to my parents with his parents and then him and I perform istikhaara? Or was this method valid. He is a good boy with all the things a Muslimah should look for. I've kept my chastity etc for marriage. He feels also that I would be a perfect companion as we both only want to work towards attaining Jannah. But after his istikhaara how can we go against Allah (Ta'ala). It is confusing for me as I've abundantly made Dua not to meet him even once if he is not for me. I know my Allah would never have sent him to my hometown if we are not meant for each other. All that is in our way now is his istikhaara answer. Should he first approach my parents along with his?

Making Jamaat on an aeroplane

Q: A person is on a plane with his wife, and the time for salaah sets in. There are no other Muslims visible that would be able to perform salaah with the man in jamaat. In this case 1) Would it be better that the husband and wife perform salaah with jamaat or better individually? 2) If there is minimal space and the wife would have to stand almost next to the husband in salaah with jamaat, perhaps on the left hand side, would it be permissible to perform the congregational salaah in this manner?

Intention for performing Hajj

Q: My niyah for performing Hajj is for the pleasure of Allah, then also to earn reward in the hereafter and blessings in this world (Deeni, materially etc.). If one of my intentions are to ask from Allah in the blessed lands of Makkah and Medina, is this permissible or should I just focus on performing Hajj for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala?

Performing a second jamaat in the Musjid


1. Is it true that it is Makruh according to the Hanafi Madhab to perform a second Jum'ah Jamat in a Masjid where the main Jamat has already taken place? The reason given for having a second Jum'ah Jamat is so as to make it easy for those that are doctors or teachers in a school and may find it difficult to get time off. The counter argument to this is that one must fit round the Fardh Salah time and not the other way round?

2. Is it Makruh in the Hanafi Madhab to perform a second Fardh Salah Jamat in a Masjid where the main Jamat has already taken place?

3. What is the position regarding having two or three Eid Jamats in one Masjid due to lack of space? The Salafis in our area manage to perform Salah in a field but we as Hanafis don't. In some cases the reason for not performing outdoors is because of inclement weather. Is this a valid reason to perform Salah in the Masjid?

Taking back a gift

Q: A young aalim mentioned that it is permissible to take back a gift, although undesirable and in the hadith it is likened to a dog swallowing it's own vomit Is this correct? If I give someone a gift and give full ownership to the person I can take it back at any time?

Non-Muslim co-workers listening to music

Q: I work with non-muslims where we sit four in a room. They have a radio and music is played for the entire duration of the day. This off course has a huge affect on my concentration, ability to perform zikr and on my heart as I do not listen to music Alhamdulillah. This at times becomes intolerable but I cannot do anything about it as this will not be understood by anyone. I so desire to find myself in a work environment where it is peaceful and where the praises of Allah Ta'ala can be made in abundance. What is my position and your advice. Please make dua for me for Allah Ta'ala to change my condition. Ameen.