Making jamaat

Q: Is it permissible for a mother and son to perform Salaah together in Jamaat? If so, where should the mother stand and is it necessary for the mother to give the iqaamah?

Adab and respect

Q: I want to ask regarding the adab of not calling a person's elders using the word 'you' , but rather repeating their title e.g. moulana

1) What are the origins of this and which kitaabs is this mentioned in?

2) In Arabic when addressing Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in madinah munawwarah, the word ka / you is used. Also when making dua to Allah Ta'ala both in English and Arabic, does this not then become much more disrespectful than using the same word you for some elder?


Q: A person had a dream that their whole family was in Madinah Shareef and certain things took place. They informed a Maulana of this dream and the Maulana replied that the person will soon go to Madinah Shareef. I am aware that our aqeedah is that only Allah knows matters of the unseen and of future events. Therefore are we to believe that the Maulana is just giving an indication of what the dream could lead to based on what has been told to him, but the Maulana cannot say that it will certainly happen 100% without a doubt?


Q: If I am learning a Surah with a sajdah off by heart, then do I have to do the same amount of sajdah tilawat as the amount of times I recite the aayat of sajdah? If I am making more than one sajdah tilawat then how would I do it? Is it the same as in namaz or do I have to do them all separately with intentions in between all of them because I have quite a few to do from before as well?

Tile becoming impure

Q: If I make a tile napaak as a piece of clothing with urine on it has touched it, if I do wudhu and my wet feet touches the tile, if my foot doesn't smell of urine nor does it turn yellow is my foot considered paak or napaak?