Q: Being Associated with Tablighi Jamaat, can I practise Raf-e-yadain in Salaah?
Q: Being Associated with Tablighi Jamaat, can I practise Raf-e-yadain in Salaah?
Q: Is it right that we should recite At-tahiyat and durood after the second rakaat of sunnat ghair muaqqadah?
Q: Is there a limit that one can love one's spouse?
Q: Who has more rights on a man, his wife or his mother?
Q: Is it permissible to buy items such as milkshakes, juices, coffee, ice cream etc from non-Halaal restaurants?
Q: How should na-baaligh children be arranged in the suffs of the Masjid during Salaah?
Q: My brother's name is "Aswad" but someone told us that the people whose name are "Aswad" their colour will bacome black on the day of qiyaamah. Is that true? If it is true then suggest us another Islamic name please.
Q: I have heard that eating chicken that are injected with fillers that increase their breeding capacity is not halaal in the view that those injected medicine consists of unacceptable elements. Such chicken is commonly consumed everywhere. Is the consumption of such chicken permissible?
Q: I wish to purchase a set of notes from a company. Once I make payment via EFT, they will send me these notes via email. There is thus no physical product being exchanged, or the ability for me to 'return' anything. The notes are just a document made on Microsoft Word. Is it permissible for one to buy and sell 'soft copies' in this manner?
Q: Bakr and Zaid are travelling in a foreign country. Zaid takes a loan of 100 USD from Bakr. Bakr makes the condition that when they return to South Africa, Zaid must not pay him 100 USD, but rather the equivalent of 100 USD in South African rands. The equivalent of the 100 USD will be based on a mutually agreed exchange rate decided by Zaid and Bakr when they return to South Africa. Is this type of transaction permissible?