Sunnah method of making istikhara
Q: I have received a proposal and read Istikhara for which I received a positive reply. On Saturday a lady came to my house who "sees" and asked if she could "see" for me. I thought it was like going to a Moulana where they check to see if any nazar or jaadu is troubling you. She told me a lot of things about my future. She also said that my Istikhara even though it was positive, if I married the man it would be the biggest mistake of my life. She is a Muslim and made me read durood sharif and blow in a glass of water before taking the glass and "seeing". I have always been under the impression that Istikhara is guidance from Allah and that only Allah can know what our future holds. I am very confused. Please advise if what this woman does is accepted in Islam? Is my Istikhara still valid. Would it be best to get an Aalim to read istikhara on my behalf? I am very confused.