Stillborn child

Q: Going through tough times. My wife delivered a stillborn baby boy 2 weeks ago. Please make dua that Allah keeps us both patient. We fully accept and are happy with the decree of Allah, we just feel sad and empty. There was an issue regarding the burial and washing and clothing of our son. I understand that because our son was a stillborn and was born dead no janazah was required. But what about ghusl and shrouding with white cloth, were they obligatory or not. My father asked a maulana and he said to bury him as he is. In the state of grieving I completely overlooked and was not thinking about this issue.

Protection from nazar and evil eye

Q: I just wanted to ask you one simple question and looking for answer, Alhandulillah 15 years our family was 100% ok and now on some occasion I think we have some evil eye. I recited all the surah like 4 Qualls specifically surah Falaq. It was ok for the time being then we started again going on extreme for non issues and the issues are not related to us at all. It may be Jaadu or evil eye but i am not sure - Please advice me what to do.

Reciting Qur'an in the state of haidh

Q: I am a teacher who assists girls with the memorisation of the Glorious Quran Alhamdulilah. The problem that students face is their menstruation days at times exceeds to be 10 days. During these days I make them listen to their Dowr (revision), but once they start praying they have already forgotten a portion of their Hifz. This is a major obstacle that the students suffer who are undertaking Quran memorisation. Please state a solution for this. My colleague who is a Hafiza Masha Allah was able to obtain a fatwa of praying her Dowr (revision) during her Haidh. Your help is very much appreciated. May Allah Taalah reward you for all your efforts for Deen.

Performing Salaah at home when there is a severe downpour

Q: In the UK the weather is often cold and wet and I am a young teenager. Sometimes I want to go to pray salah with the jamaat but due to the weather my mother stops me fearing that I will become ill. Shall I disobey her and fulfil Allah Ta'ala's command or obey her and read at home? Would I get a sin for not obeying my mother or missing salah with jamat?