Missing Jumua Salaah

Q: Recently my small brother left juma prayers (as he was sleeping and when he got up he realized that he missed the juma prayers). There was nobody in the house at that time to wake him up. Our parents do not live with us, we live alone. So there is no one in the home accept my brother. He told me yesterday that this was the third time he missed juma prayer. I read a hadith stating that if you leave juma for three consecutive weeks you will become a kafir. I told my brother this Hadith, he is very worried, because he thinks he is not a Muslim any more. He promised me that he will not repeat this. He wants to atone for his mistake and remain a Muslim till his death. What should he do at this point?

Breaking off an engagement

Q: I am a Muslim man engaged with a Muslim girl. My question is "is it permissible in Islam to break the engagement if I want to break the engagement? or is it a sin to break the engagement? Please answer me with the help Quran and hadith and also please let me know about the ayat no 236 of Surah Baqra.

Using fake software

Q: If I have been using several versions of windows Operating systems (sometimes copies sometimes fake/cracked serial) shall I purchase individually all the copies I have used? Problem is I don't remember all the softwares I have used and for how much time I used them. Does it constitute as debt if I don't purchase all the versions of windows I have used? Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration.

Husband accepting the khula

Q: I got married in the year 2006 and have two children. My husband got involved with some lady so my husband neglected me a lot. I got pregnant but he didn't care. He gave me a lot of tension so I had a miscarage. When I came to know about his affair I got hurt and started fighting with him but I accepted his new love with that lady but I told him that you stay happy and keep her away from my children but he kept on beating me and abusing me so that I may leave the home. I left home more than a year ago and within this separation time period he didn't keep any relationship with me nor did he divorce me. He didn't give any maintaince for the kids. He used to send 5000 in my Account for kids but 5000 is not enough for kids education and other expense so I took khula from him in September but he refused to give divorce as he has sold my 3 gold sets and he has not paid my huq maher so these are the reasons he didn't divorced me nor he accepted me as a wife but on khula he agreed. Now tell me is my khula done or not and what is my idaat time?

Salawaatun Naariya

Q: Is it permissible to recite Salawaatun Naariya? I read in a few websites that it is an innovation and should not be practiced. But here in India people recite it to attain rewards or achieve any specific goals like 41 times or 313 times or 4444 times. Please, I kindly need your help in this issue and guide me because I've been asked to do the same. I want to know if it is permissible to recite salawatun naariya or is it an innovation?

Size of a dirham

Q: According to Maalikis if najaasaat goes on your body then its ok to pray namaaz even if it is a lot more than a dirham. According to shafies and hanbalies if any najaasaat goes on your body then it is haraam to pray namaaz and according to hanafies if less than a dirham namaaz is fine. Is this correct and how big is a dirham 12 or 5.94cm or another measurement?