Wazifa for a good job

Q: Due to the recent political situation in North Africa my wife and I have lost our jobs and have had to return back home. Please provide a dua/wazifa that would help us find another prosperous job preferably in an Islamic country.

Urine drops problem

Q: Mufti Saheb you have helped me many times with urinary incontinence problem. My problem is getting worse everyday. Can you tell me how should I recite Qur'an because drops of urine come even at the time of istinja. I can't even do istinjaa properly, so please answer me how should I recite Qur'an?

Making khatam of the Qur'aan Shareef for the marhooms

Q: We as a family have a Whatsapp group on the mobile phone as we all live in different areas. It includes all the young married nephews and nieces, some of their spouses, some aunts and uncles. One person has decided we read Quraan Khatam every month by taking 1 or more paras each for esal-e-swaab for the marhums

1) Is this acceptable?

2) By making it a monthly must do, are we making it an innovation

3) Is it advisable to be part of these type of groups on the mobile phone?

Paying back more than the loaned amount

Q: My dad took the money from my uncle and said I will give you the profit as I have to invest it in my business. The profit was fixed either the business goes in profit or loss. Unfortunately there was a loss and my dad could not give back the money as it was agreed. Now I am earning and paying back the money loaned to my father by my uncle. I want to ask do I need to pay back the profit to my uncle as well or I just have to give him back the actual amount took by my father? (e.g my father took 5 lacs and the profit was 1 lac) Do I need to give back 6 lacs or only 5 lacs? Please help me out.