Entering a Musjid during haidh
Q: Can women enter a mosque during haidh?
Q: Can women enter a mosque during haidh?
Q: Please can you clarify as to whether giving money (sadaqah) to a parent who cannot work actually be considered as "sadaqah"? I was told that it is our duty to look after our parents and give them money so it cannot be considered as sadaqah.
Q: Do we need to pay Zakaat on our compulsory pension/provident fund we have with the company. Should we include this amount (market value @ zakaat date) as part of our assets when calculating our Zakaat.
1. We have a Shaikh in our area who, when he enters or leaves the Masjid, the Mureeds stand up for him presumably out of respect. Those that are not mureeds feel uncomfortable because they feel obliged to also stand up when Hadhrat walks in. Is this standing up when Hadhrat comes in and, in particular, when he leaves, substantiated in Shariah?
2. A mureed of this Shaykh mentioned that Hadhrat knows what we are talking about because he is divinely informed. Is this a valid statement?
3. A lay person accidentally sat in Hadhrat's chair. He was told to get off it by a mureed because it is Hadhrat's chair. Was it correct of the mureed to
do this?
Q: My mother requests a fatwa to show some women regarding the purdah in ihram, explaining:
1. The cloth should not touch the face
2. Purdah has to be observed from ghayr mahrams.
There is a misconception amongst some women who, throughout the year observe purda, اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّه, but due to a certain aalim's wife informing them that purdah is not necessary in ihraam, they discard it during umrah. She also would like to find out from Hazrat that:
3. Is wearing a normal purdah intentionally a major sin?
4. Would this also be the case if out of circumstances, since due to her eyesight, she cannot see with the cap purdah clearly?
5. What would be the penalty if the cap purdah unintentionally touches the face?
Q: There appears to be no practical requirement for a microphone to be used for certain Salaah in the Masjid, in particular Fajr where, unfortunately, the congregation is small. Therefore I have 5 specific questions:
1. Is it necessary from a Shar'ee perspective that the followers of the Imam need to hear the Qir'at of the Imam?
2. If the answer to the first question is in the negative, why are our Ulama using microphone for Salah?
3. What are the Shar'ee objections or requirements, if any, for using a microphone in Salah and
4. Even if the Jamat is large, is it not sufficient to use the method of citing people at intervals in different rows so that they recite the takbeer and everyone else can therefore come to know that the Imam has gone in to Ruku, Sajdah etc?
5. Finally, the use of the microphone also entails the Imam engaging in loud congregational Du'a after the Salah and/or announcement and/or Naseehah which then disturbs the Masbooq. Is this permissible? If not, why is it done by our own Deobandi Ulama?
Q: Man passes away leaving mother, two brothers and a wife (no children). How is his estate shared by the people mentioned?
Q: Can I do istinjaa by putting tissue in water? I mean with wet tissue. I am a ma'zoor suffering from urinary incontinence.
Q: Why is Egypt a holy place?
Q: I would like to know if the name Aleeza is an Arabic Name and what is the meaning of it? I have heard conflicting answers, in that it means the daughter of Ali (RA) or it means Joy/Happiness. Some say its from a hebrew origin.