Inheritance Question

Q: The executors of my father have sold some land belonging to father and his siblings. We have received part payment of the amount of the sale.There is however a court case  regarding  three other parties concerning the sale of the land.We  are unsure of the cost of the court case or how long it will take.Is it permissible to hold back the monies until the court case is over and paid for and then distribute the shares according to Shariah because these days it is difficult to get money from the inheritors once they receive it.

Photo without the head

Q: I would like to know regarding the extent of a photo, e.g. if a photo does not have a persons face but the rest of the body , is this permissible. What about just e.g. an arm. Some people claim this is fine without the eyes, but I feel this can lead to many fitan just like normal photos.


Q: We a family of 7 sold some land in India.We were given part of the money 700,000 equally which we divided in 100,000 each. We have now discovered that to make things easy for him the agent did not disclose to us that the land not only belonged to my father but it belonged to my fathers sisters as well, we have alhamdullilah now decided to distribute the sale of the land according to shariah. Some of my siblings have already spent the monies as approximately 2 years have passed since they were given the monies they have agreed to pay off the monies that they received by saying that they can only afford R1000 a month. Is this all right?