Sajda-e-sahw in a makrooh time

Q: I read that if after the salaam of the salaat a makruh time enters and there was a sajdah sahw to be made, then one is absolved from doing sajdah sahw. But he must repeat the whole salaah. For example, if after the salaam in Fajr the sun has risen, then one should not do sajdah sahw, but he must repeat the whole salaah later on. The same counts for Asr when after the salaah the makruh time enters (i.e. after the suns rays become yellow/orange meaning when one is able to look at the sun without being dazzeld). Is this true ? The same ruling would apply to someone who forgot the sajdah sahw, or lost wudhu after salaam before the sajdah sahw.


Q: I am a revert to islam and would like to know which verse of the Holy Quran or Hadith says that a revert should retain his surname (my surname is not the name of an idol or such)? And does my wife take my surname or keep her fathers surname?

Uttering an ambiguous word which could imply talaaq

Q: I am actually taking a fiqh course on marriage and divorce but I still don't understand the concepts and I would like to get a second opinion on a question where there is a difference of opinion. If a person uses metaphors of divorce statements with the intention of "wanting to divorce" in the future tense but not to issue a divorce on the spot, are these statements considered in hanafi madhab?  My understanding is that they will not count because divorce was not issued on the spot but I read somewhere that it does. Can I please get a second opinion?

Interpretation of a dream

Q: My mom told me about this dream she had of my male friend. She said that before she went to bed she saw an ad on tv about a circus which may have affected her dream. She dreamed that my male friend invited us to a dog show (where dogs are preemed and made to jump hoops etc). She said we (including herself, my male friends best friend, my sisters and I) were standing at the front of the stands watching, enjoying and laughing while my male friend was dressed in a royal uniform and white gloves with his dog. She said his dog spoke and when the dog was told by him to commence a trick through a hoop, the dog would say no and smile. Then when the person giving score walked away, the dog would do the trick which left my friend embarrassed. She said he would look over to me. We've tried looking up this dream, but to no success. Could you give any clarity as to this dream?

Taubah after Irtidaad

Q: If a believer commits an act of kufr which renders him a murtad thereafter he repents, will that repentance be accepted or not? E.g: Someone spoke bad of Nabi s.a.w so he became a murtad thereafter he repented, will that particular sin of kufr be forgiven or not?

Taking back a gift

Q: My husband is paying a monthly cost for a cell phone contract that he took out for me.. The phone is mine and I am the sole user of it, although he is paying for it. Will it be permissible for him to take it away from me? Is it not my belonging?